What came first the SPARQL or the egg?: Managing SPARQL informed Wikidata productions for special collections and archives
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Publication Title
2021 LD4 Conference on Linked Data
Since the release of the SPARQL query language specification, the Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museum (GLAM) community has seen an increase in the number of stable endpoints publishing structured data online, in addition to an ever-growing array of publicly available data on any subject. Beyond enabling triplestores to support SPARQL queries, structured results, and public SPARQL endpoints, the SPARQL query language provides an opportunity to explore data in collections in new and dynamic ways. As the archives, special collections, and rare books library communities investigate opportunities to structure collection data as linked data, one approach gaining momentum is creating, consuming, and integrating Wikidata to enhance, augment, and link to digital collections. Wikidata is a multilingual crowdsourced structured data knowledge-base built upon Wikibase and MediaWiki technologies. In this presentation, the author discuss challenges and opportunities exploring special collections using SPARQL queries in conjunction with the Wikidata Query Service as a development and enhancement tool; discuss the evolution of Linked Data activities at UNLV Libraries; introduces the UNLV PCC Wikidata Pilot wiki and its programming activities; then moves on to a SPARQL deep dive using the Wikidata Query Service; and provide participants strategies to use SPARQL to inform linked data project planning and implementation.
Archival Science | Library and Information Science
Repository Citation
Melvin, D. O.
What came first the SPARQL or the egg?: Managing SPARQL informed Wikidata productions for special collections and archives.
2021 LD4 Conference on Linked Data