Publications of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries faculty.
Submissions from 2009
Whipping up the “Why Paper”: Inquiry into diverse perspectives, Jennifer L. Fabbi, P. S. McMillen, and Abigail Hawkins
DiRT: Digital Research Tools Wiki, Priscilla Finley
Oxford American Writer's Thesaurus, Priscilla Finley
Mission Possible: A Retreat to Prepare Librarians to Infiltrate Upper-level Curricula, Priscilla Finley, Diane VanderPol, Susie Skarl, and Sidney Lowe
New avenues for integrating information literacy into the curriculum, Abigail Hawkins Gonzales, P. S. McMillen, and Jennifer L. Fabbi
Bibliographic software: An overview of selection criteria for gaming researchers, Lateka Grays
Assessment tool or edutainment toy, Patrick Griffis
Building pathfinders with screen capture tools, Patrick Griffis
Enhancing OPAC records for discovery, Patrick Griffis and Cyrus Ford Zarganj
Cooking up concept maps, Abigail Hawkins, Jennifer L. Fabbi, and P. S. McMillen
Audrey Niffinegger, Starr Hoffman
Review of Jim Ottoviani and Dylan Meconis' Wire Mothers: Harry Harlow and the Science of Love, Starr Hoffman
The Time Traveler's Wife, Starr Hoffman
Hunter S. Thompson and gonzo journalism: A research guide., Steven Hoover
To the instruction cave, librarian!: Graphic novels and information literacy, Steven Hoover
Usability as a method for assessing discovery, Thomas A. Ipri, Michael A. Yunkin, and Jeanne M. Brown
A Mother, a Teacher, Nancy Drew, and a U.N. Interpreter: The Aspirations of Deborah Wiles, Amy L. Johnson and Jennifer L. Fabbi
Success factors and strategic planning: Rebuilding an academic library digitization program, Cory K. Lampert and Jason Vaughan
Talkin' 'bout my generation: Exploring age-related resources, Susie Skarl and Sidney Lowe
Documenting the American South, Tom D. Sommer
UNLV Special Collections in the twenty-first century, Tom D. Sommer
Smartphones: A potential discovery tool, Eva Stowers and Wendy Starkweather
Using Link Resolver Reports for Collection Management, Eva Stowers and J. Cory Tucker
Benchmarking Usage Statistics in Collection Management Decisions for Serials, J. Cory Tucker
Collection Assessment of Monograph Purchases at the University Of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries, J. Cory Tucker
Cultivating the Librarian Within: Effectively lntegrating Library lnstruction into Freshman Composition, Jesse Ulmer and Nancy E. Fawley
Submissions from 2008
Bibliolinking: An Adaptation of Bibliotherapy for University Students in Transition, K. M. Becker, D. Pehrsson, and P. S. McMillen
Expertise for the visually-oriented from the visually-oriented: ARLIS/NA contributions to the library profession, Jeanne M. Brown
Telling stories about the library: Using qualitative and quantitative data to depict the library, Jeanne M. Brown
Take a gamble on Web 2.0! What you want to know and are afraid to ask, Kimberly Chapman, L. Carscaddon, and Darcy C. Del Bosque
A Cartographic Journey through Las Vegas History: Tracing the Las Vegas Landscape through Maps Pt. 2, Su Kim Chung and Katherine Rankin
A Cartographic Journey through Las Vegas History: Tracing the Las Vegas Landscape through Maps, Su Kim Chung and Katherine Rankin
Users 2.0: Technology at your service, Darcy C. Del Bosque and Kimberly Chapman
Demystifying Web 2.0 for librarians 2008, Darcy C. Del Bosque, Kimberly Chapman, and L. Carscaddon
Building a better M.I.C.E. trap: Using virtual focus groups to assess subject guides for distance education students, Darcy C. Del Bosque, Kristen Costello, and Lateka Grays
Discovering places to serve patrons in the long tail, Darcy C. Del Bosque, Patrick Griffis, Kristen Costello, Cory Lampert, and Eva Stowers
Sayonara party girl, aloha real world: Surfing into library technology positions, Darcy C. Del Bosque, Cory Lampert, and Kristen Costello
Better than breadcrumbs: Current trends in subject guides, Darcy C. Del Bosque and Sara E. Morris
British Film Noir Guide, Priscilla Finley
Bryson’s Dictionary for Writers and Editors, Priscilla Finley
LOEX-of-the-West 2008: Hitting the jackpot in Las Vegas, Priscilla Finley, Susie Skarl, and Margy MacMillan
Preserving Access to Government Websites: Development and Practice in the CyberCemetery, Starr Hoffman
Collaborating with Your Local Public Library, Starr Hoffman, Annie Downey, and Suzanne Sears
Changing the Way We Work, Cory K. Lampert
Moving Beyond the Name: Defining Corporate Entities to Support Provenance-Based Access, Michelle Light
The Bibliotherapy Education Project: Alive and Well-And Perpetually “Under Construction”, P. S. McMillen
Using Courseware Discussion Boards to Engage Graduate Students in Online Library Workshops, H. Rempel and P. S. McMillen
Memorial Hall Museum Online: American Centuries., Tom D. Sommer
Development of Midcareer Librarians, J. Cory Tucker
Moving from Book to e-book, J. Cory Tucker and Reeta Sinha
Reforming the undergraduate experience, Diane VanderPol, Jeanne M. Brown, and Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Instruction and program design through assessment, Anne E. Zald and Debra Gilchrist
Submissions from 2007
Assessment approaches: Documenting information competencies, Jeanne M. Brown
Elements of collaboration: A retrospective look at marketing a program of core information competencies, Jeanne M. Brown
Turnitin: Friend, not foe, Marianne A. Buehler
From digital library to institutional repository: A brief look at one library’s path, Marianne A. Buehler and Marcia Trauernicht
From webmaster to web committee: Enhancing the library website by breaking down departmental barriers, Darcy C. Del Bosque
Demystifying Web 2.0 for librarians: From technonovice to technopro, Darcy C. Del Bosque and Kimberly Chapman
Your place or mine: Face-to-face reference services across campus, Darcy C. Del Bosque and Kimberly Chapman
Keeping afloat in technology tempests: Transforming new librarians into technologically savvy experts, Darcy C. Del Bosque and Cory K. Lampert
A Guide to Writing CMC Collection Development Policies, Jennifer L. Fabbi, Vanessa Earp, and Darla Bressler
Of Wondrous Places and “Benevolent Neglect”: An Interview with Pam Munoz Ryan, Jennifer L. Fabbi and Amy L. Johnson
A collaborative voyage to improve students' career information literacy, Angela Farrar, Lateka Grays, Diane VanderPol, and Amanda Cox
Plagiarism Pitfalls: Addressing Cultural Differences in the Misuse of Sources, Nancy E. Fawley
American Speeches: Political Oratory from the Revolution to the Civil War and Political Oratory from Abraham Lincoln to Bill Clinton, Priscilla Finley
Center for Women and Information Technology Web Archive, Priscilla Finley
Encyclopedia of Gender and Technology, Priscilla Finley
Global Information Technology Report 2006-2007: Connecting to the Networked Economy, Priscilla Finley
Twentieth-Century Drama: Internet Resource, Priscilla Finley
Complex Questions, Evolving Answers: Creating a Multidimensional Assessment Strategy to Build Support for the “Teaching Library”, P. S. McMillen and A. M. Deitering
Bibliotherapy with preadolescents experiencing divorce, D. Pehrsson, V. Allen, W. Folger, P. S. McMillen, and I. Lowe
Bibliotherapy: Overview and implications for counselors, D. Pehrsson and P. S. McMillen
UB at GeoCLEF 2006, Silvia B. Southwick, Miguel E. Ruiz, and June Abbas
Toward a Record Retention Policy, Jason Vaughan
Submissions from 2006
Indicators for the evolution of the academic architecture library, Jeanne M. Brown
Integrating student information competencies into library services, Jeanne M. Brown
State of instruction in NAAB-accredited architecture school libraries, Jeanne M. Brown
Movies Made for Television, 1964-2004, Priscilla Finley
Oxford Internet Institute, Priscilla Finley
MagPortal, Lateka Grays
Evidence of Sanctity: Record-keeping and Canonization at the Turn of the 13th Century, Michelle Light
From graduate school to the profession, Sidney D. Lowe
A therapeutic collaboration: The Bibliotherapy Education Project at Oregon State University, P. S. McMillen
Distinguishing Popular and Scholarly Resources in an Introductory Psychology Research Class, P. S. McMillen
Government information research, Susie Skarl
The Brazilian electronic theses and dissertations digital library: Providing open access for scholarly information, Silvia B. Southwick
UB at CLEF 2005: Bilingual CLIR and medical image retrieval tasks, Silvia B. Southwick and Miguel E. Ruiz
Taking Care of Business: Selecting the Best Periodical Database for Your Business Patrons, J. Cory Tucker
A to Z GIS: An Illustrated Dictionary of Geographic Information Systems, Anne E. Zald, Shelly Summer, and Tasha Wade
Submissions from 2005
Ramping up assessment at the UNLV Libraries, Jeanne M. Brown
Branch libraries and technology: Impact of a new main library, Jeanne M. Brown, Jennifer L. Fabbi, and Cheryl T. Taranto
The Evolving impact of institutional repositories on reference librarians, Marianne A. Buehler and Adwoa Boateng
Finding environmental information, Darcy C. Del Bosque
Birds, banners, and branding: Marketing the UTSA library instruction program, Darcy C. Del Bosque and Kimberly Chapman
Building skills F2F – Using chat reference techniques, Darcy C. Del Bosque and Kimberly Chapman
Chucking chat: Going to where our students really are, Darcy C. Del Bosque and Kimberly Chapman
Paid in full: Utilizing a wealth of library resources, Darcy C. Del Bosque, D. Zimmerman, R. Wilson, A. Thompson-Young, and E. Algenio