Publications of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries faculty.


Submissions from 2005

UNLV Libraries and the digital identification frontier, Jennifer L. Fabbi, Sidney D. Lowe, Kenneth E. Marks, and Zep Sylvis

Helping you buy: Self-check systems, Jennifer L. Fabbi and Jason Vaughan


Hitting the Headlines in Europe: A Country-by-Country Guide to Effective Media Relations, Priscilla Finley

Research and information services at Lied Library: Restructured, revitalized and planning for the future, Priscilla Finley and Vicki Nozero

Enhancing Library Instruction with Peer Planning, Priscilla Finley, Diane VanderPol, Jennifer Cox, and Susie Skarl

Opening the portal to better relationships, Thomas A. Ipri and James H. Sell


Use and satisfaction of library resources and services by hospitality patrons: An exploratory study, Faye Hall Jackson, Heidi Sung, Lateka Grays, and Joyce K. Thornton

The Bibliotherapy Education Project: A collaborative teaching effort goes to the Web or a tale for travelers, P. S. McMillen


Metaconversations: Ongoing Discussion about Teaching Research Writing, P. S. McMillen and E. Hill


Competent counselor practice for use of bibliotherapy, D. Pehrsson and P. S. McMillen


A Bibliotherapy Evaluation Tool: Grounding Counselors in the Therapeutic Use of Literature, D. Pehrsson and P. S. McMillen

Competent bibliotherapy: Preparing counselors to use literature with culturally diverse clients, D. Pehrsson and P. S. McMillen

Cataloger’s Judgment: Music Cataloging Questions and Answers, Katherine Rankin

From drawer to digital: A statewide collaboration for building historic map collections, Katherine Rankin, Peter Michel, Linda Newman, and Vicki Toy-Smith


New Program Growth and Its Impact on Collection Assessment at the UNLV Libraries, Reeta Sinha and J. Cory Tucker


The Balance point: Finding the delicate balance: Serials assessment at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Reeta Sinha and J. Cory Tucker

Government information at Lied Library, Susie Skarl, Michael A. Yunkin, and Tim Skeers

Creating a virtual branch library to serve a remote campus, Eva Stowers, Gillian M. Galbraith, and S. L. Kendall


Database Support for Research in Public Administration, J. Cory Tucker

Lied Library at four years: Technology never stands still, Jason Vaughan

UNLV’s Lied Library: A graphical timeline, Jason Vaughan

Submissions from 2004


Where is the library in course management software?, Marianne A. Buehler

Ask a UT system librarian: A multi-campus chat initiative supporting students at a distance, Darcy C. Del Bosque and Kimberly Chapman

Recruiting for diversity, Jennifer L. Fabbi


A Sidney Chronology 1554-1664, Priscilla Finley


Teaching Revising and Editing: An annotated bibliography, Priscilla Finley


The American College Novel: An annotated bibliography, Priscilla Finley


The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing, Priscilla Finley


Stimulating moral reasoning in children through situational learning and children’s literature, Nancy P. Gallavan and Jennifer L. Fabbi


Why Teach ''Research as a Conversation'' in Freshman Composition Courses? A Metaphor to Help Librarians and Composition Instructors Develop a Shared Model, P. S. McMillen and E. Hill


Bibliotherapy for Hospital Patients, P. S. McMillen and D. Pehrsson

Cartographic Materials: A Manual of Interpretation for AACR2, 2002, Katherine Rankin

Government information education and training: A selective annotated bibliography, Susie Skarl and Jennifer Cox


Some practical points on organizing ETD consortia, Silvia B. Southwick and Ana Pavani

Building a dental sciences collection in a general academic library, Eva Stowers and Gillian M. Galbraith


Getting Down to Business: Library Staff Training, J. Cory Tucker


University Library Partnerships: Promoting Economic Development, J. Cory Tucker


Collection Development for New Librarians: Advice from the Trenches, J. Cory Tucker and Matt Torrence


A Library’s integrated online library system: System assessment and new hardware implementation, Jason Vaughan


Policies governing use of computing technology in academic libraries, Jason Vaughan

Defining moments: The role of information literacy in the 21st-century construct of education, Anne E. Zald and Mark Donovan

Submissions from 2002

Library instruction for students in design disciplines : Scenarios, exercises, and techniques, Jeanne M. Brown


The Visual learner and information literacy: Generating instruction strategies for design students, Jeanne M. Brown


Using the “ACRL information literacy competency standards for higher education” to assess a university library instruction program, Jeanne R. Davidson, P. S. McMillen, and Laurel S. Maughan


Using the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education to Assess a University Library Instruction Program, Jeanne R. Davidson, P. S. McMillen, and Laurel S. Maughan

Implementation of the 3M Digital identification system at the UNLV libraries, Jennifer L. Fabbi, Sidney D. Lowe, and Kenneth E. Marks

Connecting Books and Cultures: The Coretta Scott King Awards, Jennifer L. Fabbi and Frank W. Serafini


The Oxford Guide to Style, Priscilla Finley

Colophons and Annotations: New Directions for the Finding Aid, Michelle Light and Tom Hyry


Lessons Learned About Developing and Coordinating an Instruction Program with Freshman Composition, P. S. McMillen, B. Myagishima, and Laurel S. Maughan

The Information Commons at Lied Library, Katherine Rankin, Jason Vaughan, Jennifer Church, and Wendy Starkweather

Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações: Integrando sistemas nacionais de informação de teses e dissertações, Silvia B. Southwick


Journal selections: Let’s support our students’ futures, Eva Stowers, Lesley J. Johnson, and Susan L. Meacham

Preparing for technology: Systems planning and implementation in Lied Library, Jason Vaughan

Bringing them in and checking them out: Laptop use in the modern academic library, Jason Vaughan and Brett Burnes