Publications of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries faculty.


Submissions from 1999

Teaching information literacy skills, Patricia A. Iannuzzi, Charles T. Mangrum II, and Stephen S. Strichart

Music Subject Headings: Compiled from Library of Congress Subject Headings, Katherine Rankin

Considerations in the choice of an internet search tool, Jason Vaughan

Collaboration and instructional design: Necessary campus partnerships for success in the twenty-first century, Anne E. Zald, Andrea Bartelstein, Louis Fox, Pamela Stewart, and Lizabeth Wilson


Information research strategies (IMT 220) and fluency with information technology (CSE 100): Two approaches to teaching use of technology, Anne E. Zald, Nana Lowell, and Zoe Clelland

Submissions from 1997

Architecture: Reference sites on the Internet, Jeanne M. Brown

Teaching study skills and strategies in college, Patricia A. Iannuzzi, Stephen S. Strichart, and Charles T. Mangrum II

Teaching study skills and strategies in grades 4-8, Charles T. Mangrum II, Patricia A. Iannuzzi, and Stephen S. Strichart

Cataloging Motion Pictures and Videorecordings, Katherine Rankin

Teaching study skills and strategies in high school, Stephen S. Strichart, Charles T. Mangrum II, and Patricia A. Iannuzzi

Redefining roles: Librarians as partners in information literacy education, Anne E. Zald and Helene Williams

Submissions from 1996

Antares: Uma experiência brasileira no estabelecimento de uma rede de serviços de informação em C&T, Silvia D. O. Barcellos and A. C. Gaspar

Statistical profile of academic architecture libraries, Jeanne M. Brown and Judy Connorton

FIU Libraries — More than just books, Patricia A. Iannuzzi

Helpful hints for small map collections, Katherine Rankin and Mary Larsgaard

Video cataloging: Reducing backlogs, Katherine Rankin, Vicki Toy-Smith, and Stephen D. Fitt

UWired: A collaborative model for integrating technology and information skills across the curriculum, Anne E. Zald, Andrea Bartelstein, Oren Sreebny, Theresa Mudrock, and Bernice Laden

Submissions from 1995

The Internet and the virtual architecture library, Jeanne M. Brown

Staff perceptions of incentives and hurdles to the use of technology, Jeanne M. Brown and Shelley J. Heaton

A Library Manager's Guide to the Physical Processing of Nonprint Materials, Katherine Rankin

FastCat: A Tool for Cataloging, Katherine Rankin and Lamont Downs

Submissions from 1992

Leadership development and organizational maturity, Patricia A. Iannuzzi

Submissions from 1990

The Underground press of the Vietnam Era: An annotated bibliography, Anne E. Zald and Cathy Seitz Whitaker