Flying Blind: Creating a Library ORCID Integration Pilot

Meeting name

Digital Initiatives Symposium

Meeting location

Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice

Document Type


Publication Date



As part of the UNLV Libraries’ goal to determine an appropriate level of engagement with ORCID, our pre-pilot investigated the feasibility of a Libraries-led service to populate faculty ORCID profiles with citations for scholarly works, allowing UNLV to better track and promote their research. This project sought to test the requirements and scalability of using currently-available data to populate researcher profiles via the ORCID API, gauging the benefits against the cost in Library resources. We performed a field survey of similar institutions using ORCID, engaged with Libraries faculty for volunteers to create dummy profiles in the ORCID testing environment, and updated these profiles with real publication and employment data, iterating through technical issues and creating a report of our findings at the close of the pre-pilot. This presentation will cover the process and findings of the pre-pilot, including successes, lessons learned, and next steps.


Digital initiatives symposium; ORCID; Research identifiers


Library and Information Science


