"Nevada Digital Newspaper Project" by Carrie Gaxiola and Yvonne Wilk

Meeting name

Nevada Library Association Annual Conference

Meeting location

Las Vegas, Nevada

Document Type


Publication Date



Chronicling America is a nation-wide project supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress to make historical newspapers available online and full text searchable. Nevada has participated in the project since 2014. Each grant cycle lasts two years and produces 100,000 digitized news pages for online access. Title selection is guided by an Advisory Board to represent each county of Nevada. These newspapers are the first draft of history, show the daily lives, perspectives, and events of the past. Much of the content offers rich research material within the topics of women’s rights and suffrage, war and conflict, the westward expansion, the economy, technological advances, and more. The newspapers are beneficial for scholars, genealogists, K-12, and lifelong learners. Attendees of the presentation are introduced to the project, learn how to search, access, and retrieve digital papers.


National Digital Newspaper Program; Chronicling America; Nevada history; U.S. history; Nevada newspapers


Library and Information Science | Public History | Social History | United States History

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File Size

8.674 Kb


