Meeting name

Change MedEd 2015 Conference

Meeting location

Chicago, IL

Document Type


Publication Date



In this presentation, I will share a model for student learning that reflects the integration of the many pieces that we, as a profession, are changing throughout medical education.

To connect the concepts of responsibility (who is responsible for the ultimate integrated experience of our students) and intentionality (how we share responsibility and intentionally design a cohesive learning experience), I want to share a model that has guided my work...– showing the interconnected parts of a framework for student learning

The focus - the roof - is on what the student should know when they leave us –- The 6 Core Competencies (Medical Knowledge, Patient Care, Communication & Teamwork, Ethics& Professionalism, Practice-Based Learning & Improvement, Systems –based Care

But the foundation for student learning is engagement, engaging students in their educational experience in three important ways.

Motivating students through the content of the curriculum- a curriculum that provides a coherent pathway with milestone markers for the students to assess for themselves how they are doing with achieving the competencies – with learning outcomes clearly articulated at each step along the way through the Milestones

How they are inspired and engaged through learning strategies designed to encourage each student’s own passion and curiosity – teaching methods that are student centered – active, reflective, – rooted in real life.

And then the importance of engaging students to take steps for their own development through experiences available external to the curriculum – but intentionally linked to it through campus collaborations to form the foundation for life-long learning and a commitment to practice improvement throughout their professional careers.

This image is a reminder of the complex framework for learning that extends far beyond the content of the course. And that no single column or even two – can support the end result ...

Libraries have a role in all areas – in the curricular through course integration of learning outcomes –– through helping faculty design assignments that place library collections and skills at the heart of student learning – through the co-curricular – the real and virtual places we create for students to learn independently – or with us – outside of the classroom.


Library and Information Science

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4.512 KB




This presentation was accepted, but not presented, at the Change MedEd 2015 conference.

medtemple910.pptx (27026 kB)
