"Metadata dictionary database: A proposed tool for academic library met" by Silvia B. Southwick and Cory Lampert

Meeting name

Association of College and Research Libraries National Meeting

Meeting location

Philadelphia, PA

Document Type


Publication Date



Efficient management of metadata is critical for developing quality, sharable metadata. A variety of metadata challenges arise from metadata designed in a project-specific context versus taking a comprehensive metadata management approach applied across multiple digital collections in academic libraries.


Digital libraries; Metadata


Cataloging and Metadata | Library and Information Science


Presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA

Handout attached

Related article: http://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/lib_articles/406


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Publisher Citation

Southwick, S. B., & Lampert, C. (2011, March). Metadata Dictionary Database: A proposed tool for academic library metadata management. Poster session presented at the conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Philadelphia, PA.

SSoutwick-CLampert_Handout_Metadata_ACRL2011.pdf (171 kB)
Handout for Metadata Dictionary Database Poster

UNLV article access
