"Implementing Encore at UNLV" by Kristen Costello

Implementing Encore at UNLV

Meeting name

Meeting of the Innovative Users Group

Meeting location

Boston, MA

Document Type


Publication Date



UNLV has a main branch as well as Architecture, Curriculum Materials, and Music branch libraries.

The Innovative system is shared with UNLV, UNLV Law Library, College of Southern Nevada, and the Desert Research Institute.

For a number of years UNLV bought essentially all III products when they became available. Encore was one of those purchases although they were not able to deploy it immediately.

Encore is now the default search across the library website.

Encore 3.0 includes hold pickup and due date alerts.


Academic libraries; Encore; Innovative Interfaces; Inc.; Online library catalogs


Library and Information Science


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Publisher Citation

Costello, K. (2010, January). Implementing Encore at UNLV. Presentation at the meeting of the Innovative Users Group, Boston, MA.

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