"Mapping information literacy outcomes and other intellectual skills in" by Patricia A. Iannuzzi and L Dee Fink

Meeting name

AAC&U Greater Expectations Institute

Meeting location

Nashville, TN

Document Type


Publication Date



The 2007 report, College Learning for the New Global Century, outlines a cluster of intellectual and practical skills that are critical components of a liberal education: inquiry and analysis; critical and creative thinking; written and oral communication; quantitative literacy; information literacy; and teamwork and problem solving. The learning outcomes associated with information literacy relate to and incorporate many of the learning outcomes in all of these skill clusters. Participants in this session will address how these information literacy and related learning outcomes can be mapped into student learning experiences at three levels: in an individual course, in an academic sequence (e.g., first-year, sophomore year, and capstone courses), and across the curriculum and co-curriculum. Participants will consider: Who is responsible for ensuring that information literacy learning outcomes are integrated into courses across the curriculum? How can campus experts in pedagogy, assessment, instructional technology, information literacy, and faculty development work together across their administrative silos?


College teaching; Information literacy; Learning; Psychology of


Curriculum and Instruction | Higher Education and Teaching | Information Literacy | Library and Information Science | Organizational Communication


Presented at: AAC&U Greater Expectations Institute, Nashville, Tennessee, June 2010

Previous versions presented at: AAC&U Greater Expectations Institute, Snowbird, Utah, June 2008; AAC&U Greater Expectations Institute, Burlington, Vermont, June 2007; AAC&U Greater Expectations Institute, Snowbird, Utah, June 2006.

PIannuzzi-DFink_Handout-WarmUpActivity_6-2010.pdf (44 kB)
Warm-up Activity

PIannuzzi-DFink_Handout-DesigningAssignments_6-2010.pdf (191 kB)
Designing Assignments to Develop Information Literacy Skills

PIannuzzi-DFink_Handout_UNLVProposedUndergrad_6-2010.pdf (153 kB)
UNLV Proposed Vertical Model of Undergraduate Education
