"Introduction to Resource Description and Access (RDA)" by Katherine Rankin and Cyrus Zarganj Ford

Meeting name

Nevada Library Association Annual Meeting

Meeting location

Carson City, NV

Document Type


Publication Date



Resource Description and Access or RDA is a set of guidelines and instructions on resource description and access for the cataloging of library materials covering all types of content and media. RDA is the successor to the second edition of the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AACR2, the current standard set of cataloging. This new set of cataloging rules was needed to bring together different editions and formats of a work, to fit better with emerging technologies, and to be a better way of cataloging digital materials. This talk is an introduction to RDA.


Anglo American Cataloging Rules (AACR2); Descriptive cataloging — Rules; Resource Description and Access; Subject cataloging — Rules


Cataloging and Metadata | Library and Information Science


Invited presentation, Nevada Library Association, Carson City, NV

File: 30 PowerPoint slides

Attached File: abstract

KRankin-CFord_ Abstract-IntroToRDA.pdf (173 kB)
Submitted Abstract
