Meeting name
Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference
Meeting location
Austin, TX
Document Type
Publication Date
The main objective of this program is to show how libraries can provide an “online video library” to library users. Library users with a computer and an Internet connection can view videos through a library. This presentation will include how to purchase streaming videos, how to catalog them, and the technical aspects of making them available to library users.
Acquisitions (Libraries); Cataloging; Libraries; Streaming technology (Telecommunications); Streaming video
Cataloging and Metadata | Collection Development and Management | Library and Information Science | Science and Technology Studies
Repository Citation
Zarganj, C. F.
(2011, March).
Libraries and Streaming Media: How Libraries Can Provide Access to Streaming Media.
Presentation at Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference,
Austin, TX.
Available at:
Presented at: Electronic Resources & Libraries (ER&L) Conference, AT&T Conference Center, Austin, TX.
Audio/Video File size: 104 megabytes