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About the Collection
This collection contains faculty research from the UNLV University Libraries. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV faculty research across all programs, visit the All Faculty Research collection.
Submissions from 2014
Accidental Map Librarian, Maps and Map Collection Management - The Basics, Katherine Rankin and Mary L. Larsgaard
Institutional Repository and Archival Collaborations at UNLV Libraries: Who's In, Who's Out?, Tom D. Sommer
Submissions from 2013
Career information literacy for students’ interview success, Amanda Cox and Lateka Grays
Flip This Class: Using a Flipped Classroom Approach to Teach Information Literacy, Nancy E. Fawley
Developing a Campus-Wide Information Literacy Agenda, Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Creating a Campus-Wide Information Literacy Agenda, Patricia A. Iannuzzi and Chris Heavey
Born Difficult?, Michelle Light
“Seeing” the elephant: Assessing the impact of library-composition program collaboration on first-year student learning, Erin E. Rinto
Libraries as Partners Around the University Table, Bonnie J. Smith, Maria A. Jankowska, and Marianne A. Buehler
The Well‐Rounded Archivist: A UNLV University Archivist Perspective, Tom D. Sommer
Exposing Missing Links: From CONTENTdm digital collections to the Linked Open Data cloud, Silvia B. Southwick
Survival of the Fittest: The Evolving Nature of Metadata Creation for Digital Collections, Silvia B. Southwick and Amy Hunsaker
Not Just for Geeks: A practical approach to linked data for digital collections managers, Silvia B. Southwick and Cory K. Lampert
Transforming digital collections into linked data: The rise of missing links, Silvia B. Southwick and Cory K. Lampert
Navigating the Flow of Value-Streams to the Seas of Collection Management, Acquisitions, and Preservation, Greg W. Voelker, Richard J. W. Zwiercan, and Michael Frazier
Collaborative K‐12 Outreach: K‐12 STEM and Beyond, Susan Wainscott, Fred Rauber, Xan Goodman, and Samantha Godbey
Submissions from 2012
Learning Outcomes for Library Student Workers, Jeanne M. Brown
Quest for Continuous Improvement: Gathering Feedback and Data through Multiple Methods to Evaluate and Improve a Library’s Discovery Tool, Jeanne M. Brown
Academic Libraries: Sustainability in Action, Marianne A. Buehler
Tapping Technical Services for IR Engagement, Marianne A. Buehler
Libraries and Sustainable Scholarly Content, Marianne A. Buehler and Maria A. Jankowska
Living the Future 2012: Educational Role of Libraries, Jennifer L. Fabbi, Jeanne Brown, Anne E. Zald, and Steven Hoover
Bridging the Gap: Transitioning Information Literacy Skills for Student Success, Jennifer L. Fabbi and David Forgues
Bridging the Information Literacy Gap: First-Year Students Reflect for Success, Jennifer L. Fabbi, Dan Gianoutsos, and David Forgues
Soothing Citation Irritation: Approaches to Teaching Students about Bibliographies and References, Priscilla Finley and Susie Skarl
Is the Loop Really Closed?: The Assessment and Reassessment of Communications 101 Learning Outcomes, Carrie A. Gaxiola
Philanthropy Across Generations, Patricia A. Iannuzzi
RDA For Cartographic Resources, Katherine Rankin and Mary L. Larsgaard
Promoting public outreach and awareness for UNLV Special Collections, Tom D. Sommer
Working together: Journal of Western Archives & Western Roundups, Tom D. Sommer
Linked Data Demystified: Practical Efforts to Transform CONTENTdm Metadata for the Linked Data Cloud, Silvia B. Southwick and Cory K. Lampert
Student Scholarly Journal Publishing: Librarians’ Roles and Learning Outcomes, Susan Wainscott, Stephanie Davis-Kahl, and Elyse Meyers
Apps and Apple Devices: Productive iCloud Uses, Cyrus Ford Zarganj
Digitizing and Hosting Streaming Media Directly from Libraries, Cyrus Ford Zarganj
Library Technical Services Process Improvement Based on LEAN, Richard J. W. Zwiercan, Cyrus Zarganj Ford, and Greg W. Voelker
Submissions from 2011
Engaging your campus in utilizing institutional repositories, Marianne A. Buehler
IUG Regional Forum, Kristen Costello and Christine Rigda
Promoting professionalism in master’s level teachers through research based writing, Jesus Garcia, P. S. McMillen, and David A. Bolin
Using Lean to teach the technical services value stream: An Online continuing education course, Tamera Hanken
Data synchronization in reverse logistics: A conceptual framework, Oliver Hedgepeth and Tamera Hanken
Under the influence: First-year seminars and the librarian teaching role, Steven Hoover and Randy Hensley
ACRL Standards for Libraries In Higher Education 2011, Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Integration of Information Literacy in the Undergraduate Curriculum, Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Leveraging Library Strengths: Contributions to Undergraduate Education Reform, Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Navigating to Success: Finding Your Way Through the Challenges of Map Digitization, Cory K. Lampert and Katherine Rankin
Introduction to Resource Description and Access (RDA), Katherine Rankin and Cyrus Zarganj Ford
Metadata dictionary database: A proposed tool for academic library metadata management, Silvia B. Southwick and Cory Lampert
Keeping track of objects and metadata at UNLV: From material selection through metadata quality control, Silvia B. Southwick and Jane Skoric
Evaluating and Implementing Web Scale Discovery Services: Part One, Jason Vaughan and Tamera Hanken
Evaluating and Implementing Web Scale Discovery Services: Part Two, Jason Vaughan and Tamera Hanken
Libraries and Streaming Media: How Libraries Can Provide Access to Streaming Media, Cyrus Ford Zarganj
Submissions from 2010
Demonstrating library value in a period of retrenchment, Jeanne M. Brown
Developing a library value indicator for a disciplinary population, Jeanne M. Brown
LibQual+ Data for Subject Librarians, Jeanne M. Brown
Developing a Library Value Indicator for a Disciplinary Population, Jeanne M. Brown
Building global bridges to sustainability research/collaborations in higher education, Marianne A. Buehler
Collaborating with faculty to "start up" an open access journal, Marianne A. Buehler
Developing repository collections — The benefits matter most, Marianne A. Buehler
Discover open access to peer-reviewed research, Marianne A. Buehler
Implementing Encore at UNLV, Kristen Costello
What IUG can do for you, Kristen Costello
Hello. I’m Encore and I’m a WebPAC, Kristen Costello and Priscilla Finley
Building faculty capacity for better teaching and learning, L Dee Fink and Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Business community outreach: Exploration of a new service role, Patrick Griffis and Sidney Lowe
Delta Project on postsecondary costs, productivity, and accountability: A campus perspective – University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Mapping information literacy outcomes and other intellectual skills into students' educational experiences, Patricia A. Iannuzzi and L Dee Fink
Strategic Planning for Sustaining User-Generated Content in Digital Collections, Cory K. Lampert and Su Kim Chung
Tales From the Field: The right mix of theory, practice, and soft skills for educating digital library leaders, Cory K. Lampert and Krystyna Matusiak
Designing the Born-Digital Archive, Michelle Light
Advocating for scholarship through open access journals, P. S. McMillen, Dale-Elizabeth Pehrsson, and Randall L. Astramovich
Oral history on the web, Tom D. Sommer
Research-based learning from the start: Developing undergraduate researchers, Anne E. Zald and Jennifer L. Fabbi
Submissions from 2009
The Role of assessment in furthering student engagement, inclusion, and achievement, Mary Allen, Sylvia Hurtado, and Patricia A. Iannuzzi
A Tiptoe through our Encore implementation, Kristen Costello
Transforming education for next generation learners, Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Welcome to the Post-DVD world: New forms of media production and access, Thomas A. Ipri, Amanda Hornby, Tracy Montri, and Rachel Gordon
CONTENTdm @ UNLV: New Capabilities, New Opportunities, Cory K. Lampert
Using CONTENTdm to Compliment K-12 Curriculum: Southern Nevada--The Boomtown Years, Cory K. Lampert
Insights into the Cultivation and Sustainability of Academic Library Digitization Programs: Success Factors and Challenge Threats, Cory K. Lampert and Jason Vaughan
Unconventional avenues to integrating information literacy into the curriculum, P. S. McMillen and Jennifer L. Fabbi
A National survey of bibliotherapy practice in professional counseling, Dale-Elizabeth Pehrsson and P. S. McMillen
Las Vegas and water in the West: A digital collection perspective, Tom D. Sommer
UNLV Special Collections in the twenty-first century, Tom D. Sommer
Buy low, sell high, get in now: Low-stakes/low-investment information literacy initiatives pay off big, David Wilson, Jeremy Donald, and Steven Hoover
Submissions from 2008
The Role of assessment in furthering student engagement, inclusion, and achievement, Mary Allen and Patricia A. Iannuzzi
The Library as experience: Interactive components in an architecture library, Jason Aubin and Jeanne M. Brown
Re-framing assessment: A patron-centered approach, Jeanne M. Brown
The Association of Architecture School Librarians instruction workshop 'lessons learned', Jeanne M. Brown and Janine Henri
Nevada historical records survey: The Clark County perspective, Su Kim Chung and Tom D. Sommer
Controversy, Code Names, and Cultural Memory: Building the Nevada Test Site Oral History Project Digital Collection, Cory K. Lampert
The Endangerment of Trees: A Provocative Look at the Future of the Finding Aid, Michelle Light
Submissions from 2007
Changing learning, changing roles: Collaboration at every angle, Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Learning for success in the 21st century, Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Adventures in Digitization: A New Librarian Shares Five Hard Earned Tips to Avoid Project Management Pitfalls, Cory K. Lampert
Managing the Transition from Large-Scale Oral History Research to Digital Archive: The Digital Librarian’s Perspective, Cory K. Lampert
Managing Your First Digital Project: Lessons Learned, Cory K. Lampert
Workflow at the UNLV University Libraries: A Digitization Program Grows Up, Cory K. Lampert
Instruction, Training and Promotion: Strategies for Government Information Librarians, Sidney D. Lowe and Susie Skarl
The Organization and description of the UNLV archives, Tom D. Sommer
Submissions from 2006
Intellectual property in teaching and learning: Ownership, fair use and commercialization, Varda N. Main and Marianne A. Buehler