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About the Collection
This collection contains faculty research from the UNLV Department of Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV faculty research across all programs, visit the All Faculty Research collection.
Submissions from 2023
What’s inside the Mind of a CEO? The Effects of Discretionary Slack Resources on R&D Investment, Seunghye Lee, Won-Yong Oh, and Young K. Chang
Submissions from 2022
Boiling Frogs: Reconsidering the Impact of Deviance Targets, Severity, and Frequency in Teams, John E. Baur, Bret H. Bradley, and Robert L. Bonner
Profit or Purpose: What Increases Medical Doctors’ Job Satisfaction?, Young Kyun Chang, Won-Yong Oh, and Sanghee Han
When Does Competitive Psychological Climate Hurt Mentoring? The Moderating Roles of Mentors’ Job Insecurity and Trait Competitiveness, Changya Hu and Sheng Wang
Expansive or Focused Attention? An Exploration–Exploitation Perspective on E-business Systems and Firm Performance, Sreejith Kumar Krishnakumar, Rajiv Kishore, and Nallan C. Suresh
The Design Sourcing Choice and Technological Performance in the Upscale and Downscale Markets of an Architectural Innovation, Woo-Yong Park, Chanchai Tangpong, Young K. Ro, and Namwoon Kim
Attention leaders: Are you losing the battle with stress? Arm yourself with proactive coping, Payal N. Sharma, James M. Silvas, and Mark Guadagnoli
Innovation Investment and Subsidy Strategy in Two-Sided Market, Man Wang, Honghui Deng, and Keong G. Leong
Submissions from 2021
Improving Funding Operations of Equity-based Crowdfunding Platforms, Rohit Aggarwal, Michael J. Lee, Braxton Osting, and Harpreet Singh
The Roles of Prior Experience and the Location on the Severity of Supply Chain Disruptions, Milad Baghersad, Christopher W. Zobel, Paul Benjamin Lowry, and Sutirtha Chatterjee
From Good Citizens to Bad Politicians: Managing the Power Dynamics of Organizational Citizenship, John E. Baur, Corey D. Bivens, Payal N. Sharma, and M. Ronald Buckley
Testing the External Monitoring Hypothesis on Earnings Management: A Case of Business Groups in South Korea, Young Kyun Chang, Pyung Kyung Kang, Won-Yong Oh, and Minsup Song
The Impact of CEOs' Regulatory Focus On CSR: The Strengthening Effects of Industry-Level Dynamism and Firm-Level Volatility, Young Kyun Chang, Seunghye Lee, and Won-Yong Oh
The Impact of CEOs’ Regulatory Focus on CSR: The Strengthening Effects of Industry-Level Dynamism and Firm-Level Volatility, Young Kyun Chang, Seunghye Lee, and Won-Yong Oh
An Empirical Investigation of the Influence of Organizational Virtues on Information Technology Security Policy Compliance, Dora Chatterjee, Shuktika Chatterjee, and Sutirtha Chatterjee
An Empirical Investigation of the Role of Information Technology in Fostering Organizational Resilience and Effectiveness, Dora Chatterjee, Shuktika Chatterjee, and Sutirtha Chatterjee
ICTs as Challenges to Enacting IS Project Control: An Interpretive Case Study of an ERP Implementation, Sutirtha Chatterjee and H. Kevin Fulk
Understanding Inconsistent Employee Compliance With Information Security Policies Through the Lens of the Extended Parallel Process Model, Yan Chen, Dennis F. Galletta, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Xin Luo, Gregory D. Moody, and Robert Willison
Why leaders resist empowering virtual employees, Lauren D'Innocenzo, Bradley Kirkman, and Payal N. Sharma
Established Theory Rejection, Andrew Hardin, Christoph Schneider, and Robert M. Davison
Social Media-Enabled Healthcare: A Conceptual Model of Social Media Affordances, Online Social Support, and Health Behaviors and Outcomes, Xiaolin Lin and Rajiv Kishore
Digital-Free Tourism Intention: A Technostress Perspective, Yi Liu and Han-fen Hu
How Do Investors Value Corporate Social Responsibility? Market Valuation and the Firm Specific Contexts, Hao Lu, Won Yong Oh, Anne Kleffner, and Young Kyun Chang
Toward a Sustainable Paradigm: Circular Economy Solutions in the Fashion Industry, Jung Hwan Park, Young Chang, Won-yong Oh, and Sanghee Han
Performance and Survival Implications of Sourcing Choice Sequence Across an Architectural Innovation Life Cycle, Woo Yong Park and Chanchai Tangpong
Venture Acceleration and Entrepreneurial Growth in Central America, Hans Rawhouser, Christopher Sutter, and Ian McDonough
Venture Acceleration and Entrepreneurial Growth in Central America, Hans Rawhouser, Christopher Sutter, and Ian McDonough
Becoming Powerful at Work, Payal N. Sharma and Rachel E. Sturm
Perceived Fairness of Faculty Governance: A Study of 51 Countries, Kirk D. Silvernail, Maja Graso, Rommel O. Salvador, and Jane K. Miller
When to take on tasks that are outside of your job description, Scott Tannenbaum, Amy Bartels, Semin Park, Virgil W. Fenters, and Margaret Luciano
Older Adults in Virtual Communities: Understanding the Antecedents of Knowledge Contribution and Knowledge Seeking Through the Lens of Socioemotional Selectivity and Social Cognitive Theories, Junjie Zhou, Rajiv Kishore, Meiyun Zou, Rouchen Liao, and Xiao Tang
Submissions from 2020
Effects of Structural and Trait Competitiveness Stimulated by Points and Leaderboards on User Engagement and Performance Growth: A Natural Experiment With Gamification in an Informal Learning Environment, Laura Amo, Ruochen Liao, Rajiv Kishore, and Hejamadi R. Rao
"Read the Damn Article" Or, The Appropriate Place of Journal Lists in Organizational Science Scholarship, John E. Baur and M. Ronald Buckley
‘Read the Damn Article’, or the Appropriate Place of Journal Lists in Organizational Science Scholarship, M. Ronald Buckley and John E. Baur
Building a Compassionate Workplace Using Information Technology: Considerations for Information Systems Research, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Suranjan Chakraborty, H. Kevin Fulk, and Suprateek Sarker
The Need for Compelling Problematisation in Research: The Prevalence of the Gap‐Spotting Approach and Its Limitations, Sutirtha Chatterjee and Robert M. Davidson
Information Technology and Organizational Innovation: Harmonious Information Technology Affordance and Courage-Based Actualization, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Gregory Mood, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Suranjan Chakraborty, and Andrew Hardin
The Nonlinear Influence of Harmonious Information Technology Affordance on Organisational Innovation, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Gregory D. Moody, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Suranjan Chakraborty, and Andrew Hardin
A Possible Conceptualization of the Information Systems (IS) Artifact: A General Systems Theory Perspective, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Suprateek Sarker, Michael J. Lee, Xiao Xiao, and Amany Elbanna
The Differential Benefits of Cloud Computing for Small and Medium Versus Large Firms, Laxmi S.V. Gunupudi and Rajiv Kishore
Beyond Myopia: Wealth Accumulation Mechanisms and Evolving Risk Behaviors, Andrew Hardin and C. A. Looney
Online Review Helpfulness: The Moderating Effects of Review Comprehensiveness, Yi Liu and Han-fen Hu
Network Positions and Engagement in Social MediA: An Empirical Examination in the Context of Online Health Communities, Srikanth Parameswaran and Rajiv Kishore
Gendered Knowledge Accessibility: Evaluating the Role of Gender in Knowledge Seeking among Engineers in the US, Cristina Poleacovschi, Amy Javernick-Will, Sheng Wang, and Tony Tong
Better the Devil You Know: Inter-Organizational Information Technology and Network Social Capital in Coopetition Networks, Robert V. Randolph, Han-fen Hu, and Kirk D. Silvernail
A Taxonomy of Software Delivery Performance Profiles: Investigating the Effects of DevOps Practices, Marcus Rothenberger, Nicole Forsgen, Jez Humble, Jason B. Thatcher, and Dustin Smith
On Tailoring and Hand‐Me‐Downs, Christoph Schneider, Andrew Hardin, and Robert M. Davison
Patching The “Human” in Information Security: Using the Inoculation Defense to Confer Resistance Against Phishing Attacks, Dezhi Wu, Jun Zhang, Nicholas Brown, Paul B. Lowry, and Gregory D. Moody
“Remind Me Later” in Mobile Security Notifications: What Factors Lead to Users’ Deferred Security Coping Behavior?, Jun Zhang, Dezhi Wu, Nicholas Brown, Paul B. Lowry, and Gregory D. Moody
Submissions from 2019
Teams as Boundaries: How Intra-Team and Inter-Team Brokerage iInfluence Network Changes in Knowledge-Seeking Networks, Prasad Balkundi, Lei Wang, and Rajiv Kishore
An Equity Crowdfunding Research Agenda: Evidence from Stakeholder Participation in the Rulemaking Process, Michael E. Cummings, Hans Rawhouser, Silvio Vismara, and Erin L. Hamilton
"I Must Have Slipped Through the Cracks Somehow": An Examination of Coping with Preceived Impostorism and the Role of Social Support, Richard G. Gardner, Jeffrey S. Bednar, Bryan W. Stewart, James B. Oldroyd, and Joseph Moore
Relative Leader-Member Exchange and Social Identity: The Downside to High Status, Jeffrey Joseph Haynie and John Baur
Regional Integration, Multinational Enterprise Strategy and the Impact of Country‐level Risk: The Case of the EMU, Jenny Hillemann, Alain Verbeke, and Won-Yong Oh
Too Good to be Mentored? Testing the Rising Star Hypothesis in Formal Mentoring, Chang-Ya Hu, Sheng Wang, and Jui-Chieh Huang
When is Enough, Enough? Investigating Product Reviews and Information Overload from a Consumer Empowerment Perspective, Han-fen Hu and Anjala S. Krishen
Users’ Continued Usage of Online Healthcare Virtual Communities: An Empirical Investigation in the Context of HIV Support Communities, Ruochen Liao, Rajiv Kishore, and Michael J. Lee
Narcissism and Learning from Entrepreneurial Failure, Yiran Liu, Yong Li, Xiling Hao, and Yuli Zhang
When Do Ethnic Communities Affect Foreign Location Choice? Dual Entry Strategies of Korean Banks in China, Yong Li, Exequiel Hernandez, and Sunhwan Gwon
Institutions and Entrepreneurship: Broadening and Contextualizing the Institutional Theory in Entrepreneurship Research, Yong Li and Eric Yanfei Zhao
An Integrative Theory Addressing Cyberharassment in the Light of Technology-Based Opportunism, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Jun Zhang, Gregory D. Moody, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Chuang Wang, and Tailai Wu
Voting Rules in Sequential Search by Committees: Theory and Experiments, Vincent Mak, Darryl A. Seale, Amnon Rapoport, and Eyran J. Gisches
The Path to the Hotel of Things: Internet of Things and Big Data Converging in Hospitality, Sanjay Nadkarni, Florian Kriechbaumer, Marcus Rothenberger, and Natasa Christodoulidou
Board Characteristics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Does Family Involvement in Management Matter?, Won-Yong Oh, Young Kyun Chang, and Rami Jung
MNEs' Corporate Social Responsibility: An Optimal Investment Decision Model, Won-Yong Oh, Kyoung Jin Choi, Young Kyun Chang, and Moo-Kyeong Jeon
Ethics Issues in Outsourcing to Emerging Markets: Theoretical Perspectives and Practices, Wonyong Oh and Rose Hiquet
MNEs’ Sustainability Challenges and Corporate Social Responsibility in Emerging Markets: The Case of Amway, Wonyong Oh, Rami Jung, Young Kyun Chang, and Yeojin Kim
Modular Design Theory Frame and Demonstration for Market Segmentation of the Firm’s Internal IT Help Customers, Kenneth Peffers and Yunxuan Zhang
Engender Common Results? Sustainable Development Trade-Offs in the Global Carbon Offset Market, Hans Rawhouser, Michael E. Cummings, and Shon R. Hiatt
The Sociotechnical Axis of Cohesion for the IS Discipline: Its Historical Legacy and its Continued Relevance, Suprateek Sarker, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Xiao Xiao, and Amany Elbanna
Feeling Activated and Acting Unethically: The Influence of Activated Mood on Unethical Behavior to Benefit a Teammate, Elizabeth E. Umphress, Richard G. Gardner, Adam C. Stoverink, and Keith Leavitt
Effects of the Design of Mobile Security Notifications and Mobile App Usability on Users’ Security Perceptions and Continued Use Intention, Dezhi Wu, Gregory D. Moody, Jun Zhang, and Paul Benjamin Lowry
Submissions from 2018
Teams as Boundaries: How Intra‐team and Inter‐team Brokerage Influence Network Changes in Knowledge‐seeking Networks, Prasad Balkundi, Lei Wang, and Rajiv Kishore
When Things Go From Bad to Worse: The Impact of Relative Contextual Extremity on Benjamin Montgomery’s Positive Leadership and Psychological Capital, John E. Baur, Jeffrey J. Haynie, M. Ronald Buckley, Jennifer M. Palar, Milorad M. Novicevic, and John H. Humphreys
Individual Accountability in Organizations: Scale Development and Validation, John Baur, Dwight D. Frink, Angela Hall, and Michael R. Buckley
Approaching Gain or Avoiding Loss? The Impact of CEO Regulatory Focus and Dynamism on CSR, Youngkyun Chang, Seunghye Lee, and Won Yong Oh
The Competition Strategy of the Duopoly Platform-Based E-Retainers, Honghui Deng
Creating Comprehensive Leadership Pipelines: Applying the Real Options Approach to Organizational Leadership Development, Jennifer A. Griffith, John E. Baur, and M. Ronald Buckley
Self-concept Orientation and Organizational Identification: A Mediated Relationship, Chun Guo, Jane K. Miller, Melissa S. Woodard, Daniel J. Miller, Kirk D. Silvernail, Mehmet Devrim Aydin, Ana Heloisa da Costa Lemos, Vilmante Kumpikaite-Valiuniene, Sudhir Nair, Paul F. Donnelly, Robert D. Marx, and Linda M. Peters
When Caring Leaders Are Constrained: The Impact of LMX Differentiation on Leader Empathic Concern in Predicting Discretionary Work Behaviors, Jeffrey J. Haynie, John Baur, John N. Harris, Stanley G. Harris, and K. Nathan Moates
Do We Fully Understand Information Systems Failure? An Exploratory Study of the Cognitive Schema of IS Professionals, Rajiv Kishore and Jong Uk Kim
Buddhist Entrepreneurs and New Venture Performance: The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Risk-Taking, Yong Li, Zhiyang Liu, Zuhui Xu, and Zhao Zhou
All Ties Are Not Created Equal: Institutional Equity Ties, IPO Performance, and Market Growth of New Ventures, Yong Li and Beiqing Yao
A Network Ridesharing Experiment with Sequential Choice of Transportation Mode, Vincent Mak, Darryl A. Seale, Eyran J. Gisches, Amnon Rapoport, Meng Cheng, Myounghee Moon, and Rui Yang
Toward A Unified Model Of Information Security Policy Compliance, G D. Moody, M Siponen, and S Pahnila
Association Between Residual Teeth Number In Later Life And Incidence Of Dementia: A Systematic Review And Meta-analysis, B Oh, D H. Han, K T. Han, X Liu, J Ukken, C Chang, K Dounis, and J W. Yoo
Experience-based Human Capital or Fixed Paradigm Problem? CEO Tenure, Contextual Influences, and Corporate Social (Ir)responsibility, Wonyong Oh, Y. K. Chang, and R. Jung
Intragroup Transactions, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Philanthropy in Korean Business Groups, Won-Yong Oh, Young Kyun Chang, Gyeonghwan Lee, and Jeongil Seo
Design Science Research Genres: Introduction to the Special Issue on Exemplars and Criteria and Applicable Design Science Research, Ken Peffers, Tuure Tuunanen, and Björn Niehaves
Blazing New Trails or Opportunity Lost? Evaluating Research at the Intersection of Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Shane W. Reid, Aaron H. Anglin, John E. Baur, Jeremy C. Short, and M. Ronald Buckley
Population Targeted Requirements Acquisition, Tuure Tuunanen and Ken Peffers
Submissions from 2017
What works for you may not work for (Gen)Me: Limitations of present leadership theories for the new generation, H J. Anderson, J E. Baur, J A. Griffith, and M R. Buckley
Beyond Banning the Box: A Conceptual Model of the Stigmatization of Ex-Offenders in the Workplace, John E. Baur, Alison V. Hall, Shanna R. Daniels, Ronald M. Buckley, and J Heather Anderson
Is retention necessarily a win? Outcomes of searching and staying, Wendy R. Boswell, Richard G. Gardner, and Jiexin Wang
How Do Mobile ICTs Enable Organizational Fluidity: Toward a Theoretical Framework, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Suprateek Sarker, and Mikko Siponen
The Information Systems Artifact: A Conceptualization Based on General Systems Theory (Best Paper Nomination), Sutirtha Chatterjee, Xiao Xiao, Amany Elbanna, and Suprateek Sarker
Establishing Effective Global Virtual Student Teams, R M. Davison, N Panteli, A M. Hardin, and M A. Fuller
Socioemotional wealth and family firm performance: A stakeholder approach, Bart J. Debicki, Robert V. Randolph, and Martin Sobczak
Understanding “It Depends” in Organizational Research: A Theory-Based Taxonomy, Review, and Future Research Agenda Concerning Interactive and Quadratic Relationships, R G. Gardner, T B. Harris, N Li, B L. Kirkman, and J E. Mathieu