Publications of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Couple & Family Therapy Program Faculty.
Submissions from 2015
A Mixed Methods Content Analysis of Military Family Literature, Carissa A. Daniello-Heyda and lyn Moore
Martin Buber's Philosophy of Dialogue and Implications for Qualitative Family Research, Stephen Fife
Is it time for a marital “tune-up”?, Stephen Fife and Sherri Kehoe
Reducing stress during the holidays, Stephen Fife and Lauren McCoy
Making family time a priority, Stephen Fife and Valentina Pischhanskaya-Cayanan
Systemic Sex Therapy, Nancy Gambescia, Gerald R. Weeks, and Katherine M. Hertlein
Affirmative therapy with LGBTQ+ families, Erika L. Grafsky and Hoa N. Nguyen
The Couple and Family Technology Framework, Katherine A. Hertlein and Markie Blumer
Exploring Perceptions of Acceptability of Sexting in Same-Sex, Bisexual, Heterosexual Relationships and Communities, Katherine M. Hertlein, Carly Shadid, and Sarah M. Steelman
Contextual Factors Surrounding Extradyadic High-Risk Sexual Decision-Making in Men: A Case-Oriented Perspective, Katherine M. Hertlein and Claudia Villasante
Conceptualizing Suicide Bereavement From an Attachment Lens, Quintin A. Hunt and Katherine M. Hertlein
“I’m not sure I trust the system yet”: Lesbian Service Member Experiences with Mental Health Care., Sarah D. Mount, Sarah M. Steelman, and Katherine M. Hertlein
Walking Toward the Problem: A Case Study on Connection and Culture, Hoa N. Nguyen
The Experience of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren., Deborah Sampson and Katherine M. Hertlein
E-mail Me, Tweet Me, Follow Me, Friend Me: Online Professional Networking Between Family Therapists, Markie L. C. Twist and Katherine M. Hertlein
Sexology for the Curious: Why Study Sexology?, Gerald R. Weeks
Couple Therapy and Sexual Problems, Gerald R. Weeks and Nancy Gambescia
Definition, Etiology and Treatment of Absent/Low Desire in Women, Gerald R. Weeks and Nancy Gambescia
Systemic Treatment of erectile disorder, Gerald R. Weeks and Nancy Gambescia
Toward a New Paradigm in Sex Therapy, Gerald R. Weeks and Nancy Gambescia
A Clinician’s Guide to Systemic Sex Therapy, Gerald R. Weeks, Nancy Gambescia, and Katherine M. Hertlein
Epilogue: A Personal Note on Being a Sex Therapist, Gerald R. Weeks, Nancy Gambescia, and Katherine M. Hertlein
Sex Therapy: A Panoramic View, Gerald R. Weeks, Nancy Gambescia, and Katherine M. Hertlein
Preface, Gerald R. Weeks, Katherine M. Hertlein, and Nancy Gambescia
Submissions from 2014
Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Relationships: Findings from an Open-Ended Survey, Katherine M. Hertlein and Katrina Ancheta
Marriage and Family Counselors' Perceived Ethical Issues Related to Online Therapy, Katherine M. Hertlein, Markie L. C. Blumer, and Jennifer H. Mihaloliakos
Submissions from 2012
Digital Dwelling: Technology in Couple and Family Relationships, Katherine Hertlein Ph.D.