

Goldberger; Joseph; 1874-1929; Public health – History; Snow; John; 1813-1858


History | Public Health


Similar to many professional disciplines, public health was shaped by pioneers who made important contributions. Two trailblazers, whose work current public health officials should be aware of are Drs. John Snow and Joseph Goldberger. Although Snow is a well known public health figure, mentions of his work in contemporary health promotion and public health text books are generally limited and typically comment only on his study of the Broad Street Pump (BSP) cholera outbreak. The accomplishments of Joseph Goldberger receive even less coverage than those of Snow. Goldberger’s work in identifying the cause of pellagra was instrumental in creating the field of nutritional epidemiology (Elmore, & Feinstein, 1994). Because of the scant coverage of these men’s accomplishments, and their importance, these two men’s professional contributions and similarities in their lives and careers will be discussed in this paper.
