Publications of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Nursing Department faculty.


Submissions from 2016


Biological Basis for the Clustering of Symptoms, Debra Lynch Kelly, Kristin Dickinson, Chao-Pin Hsiao, Nada Lukkahatai, Velda Gonzalez-Marrero, Margaret McCabe, and Leorey N. Saligan


Assessing health literacy in safety net primary care practices, Renee McCune, Hyunhwa Lee, and Joanne Pohl


Low Back Pain in Student Nurses: Literature Review and Prospective Cohort Study, Nancy Menzel, Du Feng, and Jessica Doolen


Genome-Wide Changes in Peripheral Gene Expression following Sports-Related Concussion, K Merchant-Borna, Hyunhwa Lee, D Wang, V Bogner, M Van Griensven, J Gill, and J J. Bazarian


Family presence during resuscitation: Impact of online learning on nurses' perception and self-confidence, K A. Powers and Lori Candela


Acculturation and changes in body mass index, waist circumference, and waist–hip ratio among Filipino Americans with hypertension, Reimund Serafica and A D. Angosta


Acculturation and changes in body mass index, waist circumference, and waist-hip ratio among Filipino Americans with hypertension, Reimund C. Serafica and Alona Dalusung-Angosta

Web-Based Interventions Among Adults: Relevance to Anthropometric Indicators, Reimund C. Serafica and Tricia K. Gatlin

Sugar in the Blood: The Meanings of Diabetes Among Newly Arrived Filipinos in the United States, Reimund C. Serafica and Susan Hayes Lane

The meanings of diabetes, healthy lifestyle and barriers to healthy lifestyle among Filipino immigrants in the United States, Reimund Serafica and S H. Lane

Association Of Telomeres And Telomerase With Clinical Outcomes In Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Review Of Literature, Marianne Bundalian Tejada, Richard Young, Vanessa Mercado, Karanjot Kaur, Alan Ikeda, and Nada Lukkahatai


A Systematic Review of Adolescent Self-Management and Weight Loss, Diane Thomason, Nada Lukkahatai, Jennifer L. Kawi, Kirsten Connelly, and Jillian Inouye

Validation of the Knowledge and Perception of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Questionnaires for College Student, Dieu-My Tran, Lani M. Zimmerman, and Kevin A. Kupzyk

Colorectal Cancer: Continuing Education Offering, Susan S. Vanbeuge

Submissions from 2015


Polypharmacy in Older Adults, Patricia T. Alpert and Patricia K. Gatlin


Preparing Students for Flipped or Team-Based Learning Methods, Peter Balan, Michele Clark, and Gregory Restall


Program Development and Evaluation of the Concierge Model of Simulation, Sherrlyn Coffman, Ludy Llasus, and Jessica L. Doolen

High fidelity simulation; the concierge and tech models, Sherrlyn Coffman, Llasus Ludy, and Jessica L. Doolen


Psychometric properties of the simulation thinking rubric to measure higher order thinking in undergraduate nursing students, Jessica L. Doolen

Sepsis: A Call for Incorporation of Regional Data and Improved Education Programs, Jessica L. Doolen, Joseph Greenway, and Schreiber Mathew


Clinical Predictors of Fatigue in Men With Non-Metastatic Prostate Cancer Receiving External Beam Radiation Therapy, L Feng, M K. Chen, Nada Lukkahatai, C P. Hsiao, A Kaushal, L Sechrest, and L N. Saligan


Service-Learning and Interprofessional Education in Nursing, Susan Furr, Susan Lane, and Reimund Serafica


Severity of Type 2 Diabetes, Cognitive Function and Self-care, Patricia K. Gatlin and K Insel


A Diagnosis of Insomnia Is Associated With Differential Expression of Sleep-Regulating Genes in Military Personnel, J M. Gill, Hyunhwa Lee, T Baxter, S Y. Reddy, T Barr, H S. Kim, D Wang, and V Mysliwiec


Effects of Exercise on Select Biomarkers and Associated Outcomes in Chronic Pain Conditions: Systematic Review, Jennifer Kawi, Nada Lukkahatai, Jillian Inouye, Diane Thomason, and Kirsten Speck


Effects of an Integrated Stress Management Program (ISMP) for Psychologically Distressed Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Sunah Kim, Hyangkyu Lee, Hyunlye Kim, Dabok Noh, and Hyunhwa Lee


Management of an Adult Patient with Congenital Heart Disease: Implications for the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, Sharon LaBrocca and Alona Dalusung-Angosta

Examining the Emerging Ideas of Connection within Nursing Practice and Education, Susan Lane and Reimund Serafica


NEXus: Evaluation of an Innovative Educational Consortium for Doctoral Education in Nursing, Marie L. Lobo, B K. Haas, Michele Clark, and P A. McNeil

Internet-Based Intervention for Self-Management in Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Nada Lukkahatai


Understanding the association of fatigue with other symptoms of fibromyalgia: Development of a cluster model, Nada Lukkahatai, B Walitt, A Espina, A Gelio, and L N. Saligan


Comparing Genomic Profiles of Women With and Without Fibromyalgia., Nada Lukkahatai, B Walitt, A Espina, D Wang, and L N. Saligan


Shank3 as a potential biomarker of antidepressant response to ketamine and its neural correlates in bipolar depression, Robin Ortiz; Mark J. Niciu; Nada Lukkahati; Leorey N. Saligan; Allison C. Nugent; David A. Luckenbaugh; Rodrigo Machado-Vieira; and Carlos A. Zarate, Jr


Pseudostandardized Patients in Undergraduate Nursing Health Assessment, Shona M. Rue and Jessica Doolen


Simulation Gone Wild: SIM OUT, Shona M. Rue and Jessica Doolen


Lower brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels associated with worsening fatigue in prostate cancer patients during repeated stress from radiation therapy., L N. Saligan, Nada Lukkahatai, G Holder, B Walitt, and R Machado-Vieira

Hapag Kainan: Dietary consumption of fat, sugar, fruits and vegetables among Filipino-Americans, Reimund Serafica, Susan Lane, and Clementina D. Ceria-Ulep


Academic Outcome Measures of a Dedicated Education Unit Over Time: Help or Hinder?, Tish Smyer, Tricia Gatlin, Rhigel Tan, Marianne Tejada, and Du Feng


Do Modifiable Cardiovascular Risk Factors Differ By Rural Classification in Women Who Enroll in a Weight Loss Intervention?, Dieu-My Tran, Carol H. Pullen, Lani M. Zimmerman Patricia, and A. Hageman University of Nebraska

Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Young Adults: a Literature Review, Dieu-My Tran and Lani M. Zimmerman

A Small Slice of History: Nurse Practitioners in Nevada, Susan S. Vanbeuge

Malpractice and Liability in Practice, Susan S. Vanbeuge

Meet Board Member, Susan S. Vanbeuge

Submissions from 2014


Effectiveness of a Poverty Simulation in Second Life®: Changing Nursing Student Attitudes toward Poor People, Nancy Menzel, Laura Helen Willson, and Jessica Doolen


Time course of chemokine expression and leukocyte infiltration after acute skeletal muscle injury in mice, Jennifer Nicholas, Joachim G. Voss, Joyce Tsuji, Nadia D. Fulkerson, Julia Soulakova, and Barbara St. Pierre Schneider


Hispanic Construction Workers and Assertiveness Training, Pramen Shrestha and Nancy Menzel

Saunders Q&A for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, Linda Anne Silvestri

Submissions from 2013

Mouse model of muscle crush injury of the legs, Georgina L. Dobek, Nadia D. Fulkerson, J. Nicholas, and Barbara St. Pierre Schneider


Simulated flight, muscle genetics, and inflammatory indicators in mice, Barbara St. Pierre Schneider, Sheniz Moonie, Nadia D. Fulkerson, J. Nicholas, and J. G. Voss


Comparison of methodologic quality and study/report characteristics between quantitative clinical nursing and nursing education research articles, Barbara St. Pierre Schneider, J. Nicholas, and J. E. Kurrus


Effectiveness of a reference accuracy strategy for peer-reviewed journal articles, Kirsten Speck and Barbara St. Pierre Schneider


A rodent model to advance the field treatment of crush muscle injury during earthquakes and other natural disasters, Kirsten Speck, Barbara St. Pierre Schneider, and Nadia Deashinta

Submissions from 2012


Health Effects Associated with Foreclosure: A Secondary Analysis of Hospital Discharge Data, Nancy Menzel, Sheniz Moonie, and Melva V. Thompson-Robinson


Social Marketing to Plan a Fall Prevention Program for Latino Construction Workers, Nancy Menzel and Pramen Shrestha

Effects of a short-term linguistic class on communication competence of international nurses: Implications for practice, policy, and research, Jay J. Shen, Margaret Covelli, Yu Xu, Anne L. Bolstad, Miriam Torpey, and Roseann Colosimo

Submissions from 2011

The Impact of tai chi exercise on CHD: A systematic review, Alona Dalusung-Angosta


Methodological quality and scientific impact of quantitative nursing education research over 18 months, Carolyn B. Yucha, Barbara St. Pierre Schneider, Tish Smyer, S. Kowalski, and E. Stowers

Submissions from 2010

Concept analysis of risk in relation to coronary heart disease among Filipino-Americans, Alona Dalusung-Angosta


Coronary Heart Disease Knowledge and Risk Factors Among Filipino-Americans Connected to Primary Care Services, Alona N. Dalusung-Angosta

Latino worker perceptions of construction hazards, Nancy Menzel and Antonio P. Gutierrez

Is transition of internationally educated nurses a regulatory issue, Yu Xu

The mediating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between health literacy and health status in Korean older adults, Yu Xu

Transitioning international nurses: An outlined evidence-based program for acute care settings, Yu Xu

Speak for success: A pilot study on communication competence of post-hire international nurses, Yu Xu, Anne L. Bolstad, Jay J. Shen, and Margaret Covelli

Transition into practice: Experiences of Filipino physician-turned nurse practitioners, Yu Xu and A. Jauregui

Relationship of job satisfaction with perceived organizational support and quality of care among South Korean nurses: A questionnaire survey, Yu Xu, Chanyeong Kwak, and Bok Yae Chung

Evaluation of an intervention on sociocultural communication skills of international nurses, Yu Xu, Jay J. Shen, Anne L. Bolstad, M. Covelli, and M. Torpey

Characteristics of internationally educated nurses in the United States: An update from 2004 national sample survey of registered nurses, Yu Xu and H. Zaikina-Montgomery


Raising BRN: Growth of a journal, Carolyn B. Yucha and Marnie E. Wiss

Submissions from 2007

Utilizing rare diseases as models for biobehavioral research: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, P A. Greenberger, Carolyn B. Yucha, S Janson, and K Huss

Psychosocial and physiological stress among women leaving welfare, Shawn M. Kneipp, Dinah P. Welch, Charles E. Wood, Carolyn B. Yucha, and Hossein Yarandi

Las Vegas: A sustainable urban environment for health?, Nancy Menzel

Psychosocial factors in musculoskeletal disorders, Nancy Menzel

Preventing musculoskeletal disorders in nurses: Development of a safe patient handling curriculum module for nursing schools, Nancy Menzel, Nancy Hughes, Thomas R. Waters, and Audrey L. Nelson


Effectiveness of an evidence-based curriculum module in nursing schools: Targeting safe patient handling and movement, Nancy Menzel, Audrey L. Nelson, Thomas R. Waters, Nancy Hughes, Pamela C. Hagan, Gail Powell-Cope, and Viviam Thompson

Ergonomic assessment of a critical care unit, Nancy Menzel and Sheri Stucke

Neutrophil infiltration in exercise-injured skeletal muscle: How do we resolve the controversy?, Barbara St. Pierre Schneider and P. M. Tiidus

Comparative trend analysis of characteristics of internationally educated nurses and U.S. educated nurses, Yu Xu

Strangers in strange lands: A meta-synthesis of lived experiences of immigrant Asian nurses working in Western countries, Yu Xu

Adressing hidden dimension in nursing education: Cultural competence training for continuous program quality improvement, Yu Xu and Kimberly F. Carter

Physiological effects of slot play in women, Carolyn B. Yucha, Bo J. Bernhard, and Catherine Andrea Prato