Publications of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Nursing Department faculty.
Submissions from 1993
Renal control of calcium, Carolyn B. Yucha
Renal control of phosphorus and magnesium, Carolyn B. Yucha
Differences among intravenous extravasations using four common solutions, Carolyn B. Yucha, M. H. Hastings-Tolsma, and N. Szeverenyi
Submissions from 1992
Fatigue mechanisms in patients with cancer: effects of tumor necrosis factor and exercise on skeletal muscle, Barbara St. Pierre Schneider, C. E. Kasper, and A. M. Lindsey
PDGF-receptor concentration is elevated in regenerative muscle fibers in dystrophin-deficient muscle, James G. Tidball, Melissa J. Spencer, and Barbara St. Pierre Schneider
Idiopathic edema, Carolyn B. Yucha and S. McKay
Assessing diabetes insipidus with the dehydration test, Carolyn B. Yucha and Pamela Suddaby
Submissions from 1991
Pheochromocytoma: The great mimic, Carolyn B. Yucha and N. Blakeman
Characterization of intravenous infiltrates, Carolyn B. Yucha, M. H. Hastings-Tolsma, N. Szeverenyi, J. Tompkins, and L. Robson
David could have died of thirst ... yet he never felt thirsty, Carolyn B. Yucha and Pamela Suddaby
Submissions from 1990
Effects of sodium intake, furosemide, and infusion of atrial natriuretic peptide on the urinary and metabolic clearances of arginine vasopressin in normal subjects, Arnold M. Moses, Carol Jones, and Carolyn B. Yucha
Submissions from 1989
Minimal risk of chronic renal dysfunction in marrow transplant recipients treated with cyclosporine for 6 months, G. C. Yee, T. R. McGuire, Barbara St. Pierre Schneider, S. G. Self, R. A. Zager, K. M. Sullivan, and H. J. Deeg
Submissions from 1987
Bicarbonate transport by initial collecting tubule of aquatic- and land-phase amphibia, Carolyn B. Yucha and L. C. Stoner
Submissions from 1986
Bicarbonate reabsorption by the amphibian nephron, Carolyn B. Yucha and L. C. Stoner
Submissions from 1983
The Use of computers in nursing education, practice and administration, Carolyn B. Yucha and Charles M. Reigeluth