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About the Collection

Starting in 2018, the UNLV University Libraries began to provide funding to support UNLV researchers seeking to publish in fully open access journals that required payment of article processing charges (APCs). With initial support from the Library Advisory Board, the Collections, Interlibrary Loan, and Acquisitions (CIA) and Scholarly Communication & Data Services (SCADS) departments partnered to fund and manage the awards.

In 2020, the Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) Student Council, created a similar fund for graduate students in collaboration with the University Libraries. While the MSI fund has since retired, the Graduate and Professional Association (GPSA) now provides a fund for graduate and professional students.

In 2022 the School of Medicine Library (SOML) began a pilot fund to support UNLV Faculty, Residents, and Fellows located at the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine.

For fund status, application criteria, and application instructions for any of the currently available funds, visit the Open Access Guide.


Submissions from 2024


Projected Climate Change Impacts on the Number of Dry and Very Heavy Precipitation Days by Century’s End: A Case Study of Iran’s Metropolises, Rasoul Asfari, Mohammad Nazari-Sharabian, Ali Hosseini, and Moses Karakouzian


The Effects of Torso-Borne Loads on Functional Movement Patterns, Kathryn S. Bell, Jasmine D. Brooks, Kara N. Radzak, Sean W. Mulvenon, and Brian K. Schilling


Piezochromic Behavior of 2,4,6-Triphenylpyrylium Tetrachloroferrate, Princess Canasa, David King, Petrika Cifligu, Adrian F. Lua Sanchez, Si L. Chen, Haesook Han, Trimaan Malik, Brant Billinghurst, Jianbao Zhao, Changyong Park, George R. Rossman, Michael Pravica, Pradip K. Bhowmik, and Egor Evlyukhin


Using Item Response Theory to Identify Key Symptoms of Insomnia in a Sample of University Students With Probable Eating Disorders, Kara A. Christensen Pacella, Brianne N. Richson, Nicole A. Short, Angeline R. Bottera, Leah A. Irish, Victoria L. Perko, and Kelsie T. Forbush


Development of an Anisotropic Hyperelastic Material Model for Porcine Colorectal Tissues, Youssef Fahmy, Mohamed B. Trabia, Brian Ward, Lucas Gallup, and Mary Froehlich


Fe-Rich X-Ray Amorphous Material Records Past Climate and Persistence of Water on Mars, Anthony D. Feldman, Elisabeth M. Hausrath, Elizabeth B. Rampe, Valerie Tu, Tanya S. Peretyazhko, Christopher DeFelice, and Thomas Sharp


Facile One-Pot Synthesis and Anti-Microbial Activity of Novel 1,4-Dihydropyridine Derivatives in Aqueous Micellar Solution under Microwave Irradiation, Asmita Goswami, Navneet Kaur, Manvinder Kaur, Kishanpal Singh, Harvinder Singh Sohal, Haesook Han, and Pradip K. Bhowmik


Exploring the Use of Bimodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Movement in Individuals with Patellofemoral Pain—A Sham-Controlled Double Blinded Pilot Study, Kai-Yu Ho, Connan Wallace, Jeno Aquino, Bryce Broadwell, Makenzie Whimple, and Jing Nong Liang


“Educational Facials”: A Healing Tool for the Beautiful Struggle, Kari Kokka and Michelle Cody


Predicting Homelessness: Housing Risk Insights From Latent Class Analysis, Katherine E. Marcal and Nicholas Barr


Fluid Flow, Mineralization and Deformation in an Oceanic Detachment Fault: Microtextural, Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence From Pyrite at 13°30′N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Andrew J. Martin, John W. Jamieson, Sven Petersen, Mostafa Fayek, and Javier Escartin


Demographic Correlates of Weight-Loss Strategies in US Adults: Cross-Sectional Analysis of NHANES Data 2017–2020, Anin Mokari-Yamchi and Richard R. Rosenkranz


Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Dynamic Balance Among Young Adults in the Community, Jinyoung Park, Cynthia Lee, Ye Eun Nam, and Hyunhwa Lee


Aging-Related Changes in the Mechanical Properties of Single Cells, Amarnath Singam, Chandrabali Bhattacharya, and Seungman Park


Developing a Remote Gamma-Ray Spectra Collection System (RGSCS) by Coupling a High Purity Germanium (HPGe) Detector With a Cosmicguard Background Reduction Device, Zaijing Sun, Krishnakumar Divakar Nangeelil, and Haven Searcy


mHealth Intervention for Elevated Blood Pressure Among College Students: Single-Arm Intervention Study, Dieu-My T. Tran, Catherine E. Dingley, and Roger Bonilla


Patient–Provider Communication Quality: Socioeconomic Disparities in Smoking Outcomes, Soumya Upadhyay and Jalen Jones

Submissions from 2023


Food Insecurity and Risky Sexual Behaviors Among College Students During The COVID-19 Pandemic, Bertille Assoumou, Jennifer Pharr, and Courtney Coughenour


Comparative Nutritional Assessment and Metabolomics of a WRKY Rice Mutant with Enhanced Germination Rates, Santiago Bataller, Anne J. Villacastin, Qingxi J. Shen, and Christine Bergman


An Assessment of the Move Your Way Program Among Hispanic Adults in Las Vegas, Nevada, Timothy J. Bungum, Jennifer R. Pharr, Courtney A. Coughenour, and Maxim Gakh


Evaluating The Potential of Geopolymer Concrete as A Sustainable Alternative for Thin White-Topping Pavement, Sathvik S. Chandra, Pshtiwan Shakor, Sarwar Mohmmad, Bankole O. Awuzie, Atul K. Singh, Abishek Rauniyar, and M Karakouzian


Survey of Transfer Learning Approaches in the Machine Learning of Digital Health Sensing Data, Lina Chato and Emma Regentova


Initial Examination of the Mental Health Disorders: Screening Instrument for Athletes, Brad C. Donohue, Jesse Scott, Grace Goodwin, Kimberly Barchard, Greg Bohall, and Daniel N. Allen


Synecological Response of Spring Benthic Prokaryotes and Macroinvertebrates to Paleozoic Roof Pendant-Derived Calcium, Ariel D. Friel, Khaled Pordel, Zachary Meyers, Cale O. Seymour, Nicole J. Thomas, Fred M. Philips, Jeffrey R. Knott, Donald W. Sada, Laura Rademacher, Marty Frisbee, and Brian P. Hedlund


Payments Transaction Data from Online Casino Players and Online Sports Bettors, Kasra Ghaharian, Piyush Puranik, Brett Abarbanel, Kazem Taghva, Shane W. Kraus, Ashok Singh, Alan Feldman, and Bo Bernhard


A Scoping Review of Risk and Protective Factors for Negative Cannabis Use Consequences, Timothy J. Grigsby, Andrea Lopez, Larisa Albers, Christopher J. Rogers, and Myriam Forster


Adaptation In the Sensory Cortex Drives Bistable Switching During Auditory Stream Segregation, Nathan C. Higgins, Alexandra N. Scurry, Fang Jiang, David F. Little, Mounya Elhilali, and Joel S. Snyder


Analyzing Aberrant DNA Methylation in Colorectal Cancer Uncovered Intangible Heterogeneity of Gene Effects in the Survival Time of Patients, Saeedeh Hajebi Khaniki, Farhad Shokoohi, Habibollah Esmaily, and Mohammad Amin Kerachian


What’s inside the Mind of a CEO? The Effects of Discretionary Slack Resources on R&D Investment, Seunghye Lee, Won-Yong Oh, and Young K. Chang


The High Pressure Dependence of X-Ray Induced Decomposition of Cadmium Oxalate, Adrian F. Lua Sanchez, Petrika Cifligu, Marc Graff, Michael Pravica, Pradip K. Bhowmik, Changyong Park, and Egor Evlyukhin


Zagamiite, CaAl2Si3.5O11, the Hexagonal High-Pressure CAS Phase with Dominant Si, as a Mineral from Mars, Chi Ma, Oliver Tschauner, John R. Beckett, Eran Greenberg, and Vitali B. Prakapenka


Social Interaction, Support Preferences, and the Use of Wearable Health Trackers, Natalie Pennington and Linda Dam


Opportunities for Maximizing the Dietary Quality of Fad Diets, Jessica M. Phelan, Jillian M. Joyce, Katherine Bode, and Sara K. Rosenkranz


Holistic Framework to Contextualize Dietary Quality Assessment: A Critical Review, Jessica M. Phelan, Richard R. Rosenkranz, Connor J. Phelan, and Sara K. Rosenkranz


Sport And Mental Health Performance Optimization in An Adolescent Gymnast: A Case Evaluation, Davy Phrathep, Brad C. Donohue, Brenna N. Renn, John Mercer Dr., and Daniel N. Allen


Socio-Demographic, Maternal, And Infant Characteristics Associated with Pacifier Use Among Six-Months Old Infants in Clark County, Nevada, Kaelia Lynn Saniatan, Smriti Neupane, Chad L. Cross, and Gabriela S. Buccini


The Forgotten Language Skill: Finding a Prominent Place for Listening in Meaningful Programming for Multilingual Learners with Learning Disabilities, Tracy Griffin Spies


Descriptive and Network Post-Occupancy Evaluation of the Urban Public Space through Social Media: A Case Study of Bryant Park, NY, Bo Zhang, Yang Song, Dingyi Liu, Zhongzhong Zeng, Shuying Guo, Qiuyi Yang, Yuhan Wen, Wenji Wang, and Xiwei Shen

Submissions from 2022


Beyond Functional Diversity: The Importance of Trophic Position to Understanding Functional Processes in Community Evolution, Roxanne M. W. Banker, Ashley A. Dineen, Melanie G. Sorman, Carrie L. Tyler, and Peter D. Roopnarine


Flow Characteristics through Granular Soil Influenced by Saline Water Intrusion: A Laboratory Investigation, Sudip Basack, Ghritartha Goswami, Hadi Khabbaz, and M Karakouzian


The Effect of Exercise Modality on Age-related Changes Observed During Running, Brianne Borgia, Janet S. Dufek, Kara N. Radzak, and Julia Freedman Silvernail


Profit or Purpose: What Increases Medical Doctors’ Job Satisfaction?, Young Kyun Chang, Won-Yong Oh, and Sanghee Han


A Design Framework of Exploration, Segmentation, Navigation, and Instruction (ESNI) for the Lifecycle of Intelligent Mobile Agents as a Method for Mapping an Unknown Built Environment, Junchi Chu, Xueyun Tang, and Xiwei Shen


Digitally Predicting Protein Localization and Manipulating Protein Activity in Fluorescence Images Using 4D Reslicing GAN, Yang Jiao, Lingkun Gu, Yingtao Jiang, Mo Weng, and Mei Yang


The Impact of High-Intensity Interval Training on Vascular Function in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Mousa Khalafi, Mohammad Hossein Sakhaei, Fatemeh Kazeminasab, Michael E. Symonds, and Sara K. Rosenkranz


Mechanisms of Memory Updating: State Dependency vs. Reconsolidation, Christopher Kiley and Colleen M. Parks


Spatial Deconcentration of Tourism Concentrations: A Visitors’ Galaxy Impact Model of the COVID-19 Crisis, Jaewon Lim, Karima Kourtit, Peter Nijkamp, and Christopher Stream


Racism and Resilience: Counter-Narratives of Asian International College Students in the Age of COVID-19, Katrina Liu, Richard Miller, Sharolyn D. Pollard-Durodola, and Lei Ping


How Dynamic Adsorption Controls Surfactant‑enhanced Boiling, Mario R. Mata, Brandon Ortiz, Dhruv Luhar, Vesper Evereux, and H. Jeremy Cho


Chronotype and Social Jetlag Influence Performance and Injury during Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Physical Training, Graham McGinnis, Shani T. Thompson, Charli D. Aguilar, Michael B. Dial, richard tandy, and Kara N. Radzak


Auditory Affective Processing, Musicality, and the Development of Misophonic Reactions, Solena Mednicoff, Sivan Barashy, Destiny Gonzales, Stephen D. Benning, Joel S. Snyder, and Erin Hannon


Quantification of Organic Carbon Sequestered by Biogenic Iron Sulfide Minerals in Long-Term Anoxic Laboratory Incubations, Nader Nabeh, Cheyenne Brokaw, and Aude Picard


Broadened Possibilities: Undocumented Community College Student Course Enrollment After the California DREAM Act, Federick Ngo and Juanita K. Hinojosa


Topical Analysis of Nuclear Experts' Perceptions of Publics, Nuclear Energy, and Sustainable Futures, Hannah K. Patenaude and Emma Frances Bloomfield


Air Quality Health Benefits of the Nevada Renewable Portfolio Standard, Alireza Rezaee, Lung-Wen Chen, Ge Lin, Mark P. Buttner, Max Gakh, and Emma Frances Bloomfield


An Approach for Material Model Identification of a Composite Coating Using Micro-Indentation and Multi-Scale Simulations, Pouya Shojaei, Riccardo Scazzosi, Mohamed Trabia, Brendan O’toole, Marco Giglio, Xing Zhang, Yiliang Liao, and Andrea Manes


Social Justice Leadership: Coming to Know Another Possibility through Autoethnography, Jacob D. Skousen


A Qualitative Analysis of the Impact of Electronic Health Records (EHR) on Healthcare Quality and Safety: Clinicians’ Lived Experiences, Soumya Upadhyay and Han-fen Hu

Exosomal Microrna Differential Expression in Plasma of Young Adults With Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Healthy Control, Rany Vorn, Maiko Suarez, Jacob C. White, Carina A. Martin, Hyung Suk Kim, Chen Lai, Sijung Yun, Jessica M. Gill, and Hyunhwa Lee


PM Me the Truth? The Conditional Effectiveness of Fact-Checks Across Social Media Sites, Austin Horng-En Wang


The Slow Violence of Racism on Asian Americans During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt, Aldo Barrita, Anthony King, and Michelle Strong


Artificial Intelligence in the Radiomic Analysis of Glioblastomas: A Review, Taxonomy, and Perspective, Ming Zhu, Sijia Li, Yu Kuang, Virginia B. Hill, Amy B. Heimberger, Lijie Zhai, and Shenjie Zhai

Submissions from 2021


Menu Engineering and Dietary Behavior Impact on Young Adults’ Kilocalorie Choice, Christine Bergman, Yuan Tian, Andrew Moreo, and Carola Raab


Machine Learning and Radiomic Features to Predict Overall Survival Time for Glioblastoma Patients, Lina Chato and Shahram Latifi


Behavioral Arrest and a Characteristic Slow Waveform Are Hallmark Responses to Selective 5-HT2A Receptor Activation, April Contreras, Matthew Khumnark, Rochelle M. Hines, and Dustin J. Hines


Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Behavior Among Asian Americans: A Thematic Analysis, Chia Liang Dai, Manoj Sharma, Taj Haider, and Hema Sunchu


Resetting of Auditory and Visual Segregation Occurs After Transient Stimuli of the Same Modality, Nathan C. Higgins, Ambar G. Monjaras, Breanne D. Yerkes, David F. Little, Jessica E. Nave-Blodgett, Mounya Elhilali, and Joel S. Snyder


Universal Image Segmentation for Optical Identification of 2D Materials, Joshua Island, Randy M. Sterbentz, and Kristine L. Haley


Mechanical Characteristics of Cement Paste in the Presence of Carbon Nanotubes and Silica Oxide Nanoparticles: An Experimental Study, Moses Karakouzian, Visar Farhangi, Marzieh R. Farani, Alireza Joshaghani, Mehdi Zadehmohamad, and Mohammad Ahmadzadeh


Impact of Neoantigen Expression and T-Cell Activation on Breast Cancer Survival, Wenjing Li, Amei Amei, Francis Bui, Saba Norouzifar, Lingeng Lu, and Zuoheng Wang


Equation of State for Natural Almandine, Spessartine, Pyrope Garnet: Implications for Quartz-In-Garnet Elastic Geobarometry, Suzanne R. Mulligan, Elissaios Stavrou, Stella Chariton, Oliver Tschauner, Ashkan Salamat, Michael Wells, Alexander G. Smith, Thomas D. Hoisch, and Vitali Prakapenka


Communication outside of the Home through Social Media during COVID-19, Natalie Pennington


Seasonal Impact in Admissions and Burn Profiles in a Desert Burn Unit, Syed F. Saquib, Joseph T. Carroll, and Paul J. Chestovich


Can the Multi-Theory Model (MTM) of Health Behavior Change Explain the Intent for People to Practice Meditation?, Manoj Sharma, Matthew Asare, Ram Lakhan, Amar Kanekar, Vinayak K. Nahar, and Sheniz Moonie PhD


Impervious Surfaces Mapping at City Scale by Fusion of Radar and Optical Data Through a Random Forest Classifier, Binita Shrestha, Haroon Stephen, and Sajjad Ahmad


The Assessment of Physical Risk Taking: Preliminary Construct Validation of a New Behavioral Measure, Edward A. Smith and Stephen D. Benning


Memorial Parking Trees: Resilient Modular Design with Nature-Based Solutions in Vulnerable Urban Areas, Haroon Stephen and Fortino Acosta


Risk Factors Associated With Cardiovascular Disease Among Adult Nevadans, Dieu My T. Tran, Nirmala Lekhak, Karen Gutierrez, and Sheniz Moonie


From Cell Death to Regeneration: Rebuilding After Injury, Kelly Tseng, Dylan Guerin, and Cindy Kha


Altered Theta Rhythm and Hippocampal-Cortical Interactions Underlie Working Memory Deficits in a Hyperglycemia Risk Factor Model of Alzheimer’s Disease, Ryan A. Wirt, Lauren A. Crew, Andrew A. Ortiz, Adam M. McNeela, Emmanuel Flores, Jefferson W. Kinney, and James M. Hyman


Exploring Sources of Engineering Teaching Self-Efficacy for Pre-Service Elementary Teachers, Ezgi Yesilyurt, Hasan Deniz, and Erdogan Kaya

Submissions from 2020


Spatial Analyses of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: Its Responsiveness to Labor Market Performance and Policies during the 2008 Recession, Vicky Albert and Jaewon Lim


Regulation of GABAA Receptor Subunit Expression in Substance Use Disorders, Jeffrey S. Barker and Rochelle M. Hines

Unmanned Aerial System Integrated Sensor for Remote Gamma and Neutron Monitoring, Alexander Barzilov and Monia Kazemeini

A Comparison of Two Techniques for Center of Pressure Measurements, Jessica DeBerardinis, Conner Neilsen, Daniel E. Lidstone, Janet S. Dufek, and Mohamed B. Trabia


Internalizing Symptoms as Predictors of School Absenteeism Severity at Multiple Levels: Ensemble and Classification and Regression Tree Analysis, Mirae J. Fornander and Christopher A. Kearney


Future Availability of Non-renewable Metal Resources and the Influence of Environmental, Social, and Governance Conflicts on Metal Production, Simon Jowitt, Gavin M. Mudd, and John F.H. Thompson


The School Climate and Academic Mindset Inventory (SCAMI): Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Invariance Across Demographic Groups, Christopher A. Kearney, Ricardo Sanmartin, and Carolina Gonzalvez


The Rural-Urban Divide in Tanzania: Residential Context and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Maternal Health Care Utilization, Neema Langa and Tirth Bhatta


Long-Term Impact of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries on Multiple Functional Outcomes and Epigenetics: A Pilot Study with College Students, Hyunhwa Lee, Sungchul Lee, Ipuna Black, Laura Salado, Jonica Estrada, and Katrina Isla


Immediate Effects of Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Postural Stability Using Computerized Dynamic Posturography in People With Chronic Post-stroke Hemiparesis, Jing Nong Liang, Leonard Ubalde, Jordon Jacklin, Peyton Hobson, Sara Wright-Avila, and Yun-Ju Lee


Disease Salience Effects on Desire for Affiliation With In-Group and Out-Group Members: Cognitive and Affective Mediators, Murray Millar, Andrea Fink-Armold, and Aileen Lovitt


Validity and Reliability of Three Commercially Available Smart Sports Bras during Treadmill Walking and Running, James W. Navalta, Gabriela Guzman Ramirez, Crystal Maxwell, Kara N. Radzak, and Graham R. McGinnis

Diversity and Distribution of a Novel Genus of Hyperthermophilic AquificaeViruses Encoding a Proof-Reading Family-A DNA Polymerase, Marike Palmer, Brian P. Hedlund, Simon Roux, Philippos K. Tsourkas, Ryan K. Doss, Casey Stemereilers, Astha Mehta, Jeremy A. Dodsworth, Michael Lodes, Scott Monsma, Tijana Glavina del Rio, Thomas W. Schoenfield, Emiley A. Eloe-Fadrosh, and David A. Mead

Musculoskeletal Injury in Reserve Officers' Training Corps: A Report from the Athletic Trainers' Practice-Based Research Network, Kara N. Radzak, JoEllen M. Sefton, Mark K. Timmons, Rachel Lopp, Christopher D. Stickley, and Kenneth C. Lam


Individual Differences in Infants' Temperament Affect Face Processing, Jennifer L. Rennels, Andrea J. Kayl, and Kirsty M. Kulhanek

Early Adaptation to Eolian Sand Dunes by Basal Amniotes Is Documented in Two Pennsylvanian Grand Canyon Trackways, Stephen M. Rowland, Mario V. Caputo, and Zachary A. Jensen

Riesite, a New High Pressure Polymorph of TiO2 from the Ries Impact Structure, Tschauner, Chi Ma, Antonio Lanzirotti, and Matthew G. Newville

Submissions from 2019


Low Colorectal Cancer Survival in the Mountain West State of Nevada: A Population-Based Analysis, Karen E. Callahan, Carmen P. Ponce, Chad L. Cross, Francisco S. Sy, and Paulo S. Pinheiro


The Impact of Pedestrian Crossing Flags on Driver Yielding Behavior in Las Vegas, NV, Sheila Clark, Courtney Coughenour, Kelly Bumgarner, Hanns de la Fuente-Mella, Chantel Reynolds, and James Abelar