"Management Techniques for the Control of Sahara Mustard (Brassica Tour" by Dianne N. Bangle, Scott R. Abella et al.

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University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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In the southwestern United States, Brassica tournefortii(Sahara mustard) is a highly invasive plant that colonizes roadsides, beaches, sand dunes, and open desert threatening native annuals. Sahara mustard is believed to contribute to fuel loads in the Mojave Desert in areas where Schismussp. and Bromussp. occur. Sahara mustard may act as ladder fuel, thereby facilitating the spread of fire throughout the landscape. Manpower limitations and insufficient funding limits the abilities of managers to effectively control Sahara mustard. We tested seed germinability in Sahara mustard after fruiting plants were treated with either 2%, 5%, or 12% triclopyr. Sahara mustard seed pods were labeled based on three developmental stages prior to treatment. Application of herbicide decreased germination from control seeds; however, effectiveness did not differ across concentrations of triclopyr (2, 5, and 12%). We also tested seed germinability in Sahara mustard after fruiting plants were separated from their resources and allowed to dry in the field. Seed pods were labeled by developmental stage before treatment. The three treatments consisted of: 1) pulling plants with roots intact; 2) pulling the plant and breaking the roots and leaf rosette from the inflorescence; 3) pulling off individual fruits. All treatments resulted in a decrease in germination from control seeds.


Brassica; Brassica tournefortii; Germination; Herbicides; Invasive plants; Sahara mustard; Southwest; New; Weeds – Control


Desert Ecology | Environmental Sciences | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Plant Sciences | Weed Science
