"Exotic Annual Plant Invasions and Their Relationships to Roads and Nat" by Donovan J. Craig, Jill Pacovsky Craig et al.

Meeting location

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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For the last five years, roadside monitoring for exotic invasive species has been a common practice for documenting distributions in Clark County, Nevada (Abella et al., in press). Yet, studies have shown that weed relationships to road corridors differ depending upon the natural system (Hansen and Clevenger, 2005). In the Mojave Desert, it is unknown whether exotic species are limited to or even predominant along roadsides.

Compounding this uncertainty, fertile islands under shrubs are known to enhance conditions for many annuals (Thompson et al., 2005). Thus, a site’s shrub composition could influence exotic invasive plant distributions.


Environmental monitoring; Invasive plants; United States – Mojave Desert; Weeds – Control


Desert Ecology | Environmental Sciences | Plant Sciences | Weed Science


Brassica; Brassica tournefortii; Desert ecology; Germination; Invasive plants; Sahara mustard; Southwest, New
