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Public Lands Institute

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Las Vegas (Nev.)

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Collaboration with Interagency Team

During the third quarter, the interagency volunteer team and university representatives have held several meetings to continue progress on the Interagency Volunteer Program (IVP). At the beginning of October, candidates for the project manager position were interviewed by the university search committee, followed by interviews with the interagency team on October 6, 2004. After two finalists were identified, reference checks were made and the university and team recommended to the federal managers that Ms. Donna Grady be hired. Ms. Grady’s first day on the job was December 1, 2004. In the interim, Nancy Flagg, Public Lands Initiative Director, met with the team on October 19 and November 17, 2004, to continue work on project deliverables already in progress. At these meetings, the team reached consensus on and finalized:

  • An Interagency Volunteer Application for Individuals
  • An Interagency Volunteer Application for Groups
  • Volunteer Event Sign-up Sheets
  • A brand name for the program for marketing purposes – Get Outdoors Nevada
  • Initial website design, links, and related copy
  • Selection of Volgistics software to run the volunteer program database
  • Dates for three interagency volunteer events between February and June 2005:

Great American Clean Up – March 5

Red Rock Day – April 2

National Trails Day – June 4

Additional details on these milestones are provided in other sections of this report. A team meeting with the new project manager was held on December 15, 2004. The team reviewed the progress to date on various year-one deliverables and agreed upon 2 additional tasks to be completed. During the first quarter of 2005 the project manager and team will focus on (1) development of a public relations/marketing program, (2) a common recruiting, training, and recognition program, and (3) organizing the upcoming volunteer events.

Controlled Subject

Advertising; Public service; Interagency coordination; Voluntarism; Volunteers


Civic and Community Engagement | Community-Based Learning | Environmental Health and Protection | Environmental Monitoring | Nature and Society Relations

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File Size

183 KB




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