Submissions from 2002
The Political Roles of Religion, Ted G. Jelen and Clyde Wilcox
Public Attitudes on Church and State Coexistence or Conflict?, Ted G. Jelen, Clyde Wilcox, and Rachel Goldberg
Submissions from 2001
Catholicism, Ted G. Jelen
Notes for a Theory of Clergy as Political Leaders, Ted G. Jelen
Submissions from 2000
Female Judges, Rebecca D. Gill
Congressional Preferences, Perceptions of Threat, and Supreme Court Decision Making, Thomas G. Hansford and David Damore
Illinois: Moral Politics in a Materialist Political Culture, Ted G. Jelen
Religious Priorities and Attitudes toward Church and State, Ted G. Jelen
Full Pews, Musical Pulpits: The Christian Right at the Turn of the Millennium, Clyde Wilcox, Ted G. Jelen, and Rachel Goldberg
Submissions from 1999
The Allocation of Party Controlled Campaign Resources in the House of Representatives, 1989-1996, David F. Damore and Thomas Hansford
Dimensions of Religious Free Exercise: Abstract Beliefs and Concrete Applications, Ted G. Jelen
On the Hegemony of Liberal Individualism: A Reply to Williams, Ted G. Jelen
The Dynamics of Racialized Media Coverage in Congressional Elections, Nayda Terkildsen and David Damore
Submissions from 1998
Abortion, Ted G. Jelen
God or Country? Debating Religion in Public Life, Ted G. Jelen
Particularism, Ted G. Jelen
Politics, Ted G. Jelen
Research in Religion and Mass Political Behavior in the United States Looking Both Ways After Two Decades of Scholarship, Ted G. Jelen
The Electoral Politics of Gun Ownership, Ted G. Jelen
Context and Conscience: The Catholic Church as an Agent of Political Socialization in Western Europe, Ted G. Jelen and Clyde Wilcox
Submissions from 1997
A Dynamic Model of Candidate Fundraising: The Case of Presidential Nomination Campaigns, David F. Damore
Citizenship, Discipleship, and Democracy: Evaluating the Impact of the Christian Right, Ted G. Jelen
Culture Wars and the Party System: Religion and Realignment, Ted G. Jelen
Attitudes Toward Abortion in Poland and the United States, Ted G. Jelen and Clyde Wilcox
Conscientious Objectors in the Culture War?: A Typology of Attitudes toward Church-State Relations, Ted G. Jelen and Clyde Wilcox
Submissions from 1996
Catholicism, Conscience, and Censorship, Ted G. Jelen
Patterns of Religious Socialization: Communalism, Associationalism and the Politics of Lifestyle, Ted G. Jelen and Marthe A. Chandler
Symbolic and Instrumental Objectives for Pro-Life Direct Action, Carol J. Maxwell and Ted G. Jelen
Submissions from 1995
Conclusion: Perspectives on the Politics of Abortion, Patricia Fauser, Jeanne Lewis, Joel A. Setzen, Finian Taylor, and Ted G. Jelen
Religion and the American Political Culture: Alternative Models of Citizenship and Discipleship, Ted G. Jelen
Commandos for Christ: Narratives of Male Pro-Life Activists, Carol J. C. Maxwell and Ted G. Jelen
Rethinking the Reasonableness of the Religious Right, Clyde Wilcox, Ted G. Jelen, and Sharon Linzey
Submissions from 1994
Issue Voting in Gubernatorial Elections: Abortion and Post-Webster Politics, Elizabeth Adell Cook, Ted G. Jelen, and Clyde Wilcox
Issue Voting in U.S. Senate Elections: The Abortion Issue in 1990, Elizabeth Adell Cook, Ted G. Jelen, and Clyde Wilcox
Protestant Clergy as Political Leaders: Theological Limitations, Ted G. Jelen
Religion and Foreign Policy Attitudes: Exploring the Effects of Denomination and Doctrine, Ted G. Jelen
Abortion in the United States and Canada: A Comparative Study of Public Opinion, Ted G. Jelen, Marthe A. Chandler, Elizabeth Adell Cook, and Clyde Wilcox
The Future of the Abortion Debate, Ted G. Jelen, Elizabeth Adell Cook, and Clyde Wilcox
The Gender Gap in Comparative Perspective: Gender Differences in Abstract Ideology and Concrete Issues in Western Europe, Ted G. Jelen, Sue Thomas, and Clyde Wilcox
Submissions from 1993
Catholicism and Abortion Attitudes in the American States: A Contextual Analysis, Elizabeth Adell Cook, Ted G. Jelen, and Clyde Wilcox
Generational Differences in Attitudes Toward Abortion, Elizabeth Adell Cook, Ted G. Jelen, and Clyde Wilcox
State Political Cultures and Public Opinion About Abortion, Elizabeth Adell Cook, Ted G. Jelen, and Clyde Wilcox
The Political Consequences of Religious Group Attitudes, Ted G. Jelen
A Contextual Analysis of Catholicism and Abortion Attitudes in Western Europe, Ted G. Jelen, John O'Donnell, and Clyde Wilcox
The Political Effects of the Born-Again Phenomenon, Ted G. Jelen, Corwin E. Smidt, and Clyde Wilcox
Preaching to the Converted: The Causes and Consequences of Viewing Religious Television, Ted G. Jelen and Clyde Wilcox
The Christian Right in the 1990s, Ted G. Jelen and Clyde Wilcox
Catholicism and Opposition to Gender Equality in Western Europe, Clyde Wilcox and Ted G. Jelen
Religious Group Identifications: Toward a Cognitive Theory of Religious Mobilization, Clyde Wilcox, Ted G. Jelen, and David C. Leege
Submissions from 1992
Political Christianity: A Contextual Analysis, Ted G. Jelen
The Clergy and Abortion, Ted G. Jelen
Symbolic and Instrumental Values as Predictors of AIDS Policy Attitudes, Ted G. Jelen and Clyde Wilcox
The Effects of Religious Self-Identifications on Support for the New Christian Right: An Analysis of Political Activists, Ted G. Jelen and Clyde Wilcox
Submissions from 1991
Politicized Group Identification: the Case of Fundamentalism, Ted G. Jelen
Religious Dogmatism among White Christians: Causes and Effects, Ted G. Jelen and Clyde Wilcox
Ministers, Feminism, and Abortion: A Causal Analysis, Lisa Langenbach and Ted G. Jelen
The Effects of Employment and Religion on Women's Feminist Attitudes, Clyde Wilcox and Ted G. Jelen
Reluctant Warriors: Premillennialism and Politics in the Moral Majority, Clyde Wilcox, Sharon Linzey, and Ted G. Jelen
Submissions from 1990
Religious Belief and Attitude Constraint, Ted G. Jelen
The Impact of Home Ownership On Whites' Racial Attitudes, Ted G. Jelen
Denominational Preference and the Dimensions of Political Tolerance, Ted G. Jelen and Clyde Wilcox
Biblical Literalism and Inerrancy: A Methodological Investigation, Ted G. Jelen, Clyde Wilcox, and Corwin E. Smidt
Evangelicals and Political Tolerance, Clyde Wilcox and Ted G. Jelen
Submissions from 1989
Biblical Literalism and Inerrancy: Does the Difference Make a Difference?, Ted G. Jelen
Weaker Vessels and Helpmeets: Gender Role Stereotypes and Attitudes toward Female Ordination, Ted G. Jelen
Knowledge and Attitudes of Catholic College Students Regarding the Creation/Evolution Controversy, Ted G. Jelen and Alfred R. Martin
Submissions from 1988
The Politics of Religion in America: Issues for Investigation, James L. Guth, Ted G. Jelen, Lyman A. Kellstedt, Corwin E. Smidt, and Kenneth D. Wald
Changes in the Attitudinal Correlations of Opposition to Abortion, 1977-1985, Ted G. Jelen
The Effects of Gender Role Stereotypes on Political Attitudes, Ted G. Jelen
Submissions from 1987
The Effects of Religious Separatism on White Protestants in the 1984 Presidential Election, Ted G. Jelen
Submissions from 1986
Fundamentalism, Feminism, and Attitudes toward Pornography, Ted G. Jelen
Submissions from 1984
Respect for Life, Sexual Morality, and Opposition to Abortion, Ted G. Jelen