Submissions from 2009
Impact of Experienced Disgust on Information-Processing Biases in Contamination-Based OCD: An Analogue Study, Thomas Armstrong, Melissa Divack, Bieke David, Casey Simmons, Stephen D. Benning, and Bunmi O. Olatunji
The future of sex therapy: Specialization or marginalization?, Yitzchak M. Binik and Marta Meana
Painful intercourse: Dyspareunia and Vaginismus, Marta Meana
The relevance of dyspareunia, Marta Meana, Lorraine Benuto, and Robyn L. Donaldson
Negative Affect and Somatically Focused Anxiety in Young Women Reporting Pain With Intercourse, Marta Meana and Amy D. Lykins
Food Cravings Discriminate between Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa: Implications for “Success” Versus “Failure” in Dietary Restraint, Silvia Moreno, Cortney S. Warren, Sonia Rodriguez, Carmen Fernandez, and Antonio Cepeda-Benito
Psychological evaluation and measurement of dyspareunia, Caroline F. Pukall, Marta Meana, and Katherine S. Sutton
The Onset of Puberty: Effects on the Psychophysiology of Defensive and Appetitive Motivation, Karina M. Quevedo, Stephen D. Benning, Megan R. Gunnar, and Ronald E. Dahl
What makes women tired? A community sample, Donna E. Stewart, Susan Abbey, Marta Meana, and Katherine M. Boydell
Misremembering pain: Memory biases for pain words in women reporting pain with intercourse, Lea Thaler and Marta Meana
Incorporating Multiculturalism into Undergraduate Psychology Courses: Three Simple Active Learning Exercises, Cortney S. Warren
An Evaluation of the Sociocultural Model of Eating Disorders in Mexican-American Women: Behavioral Acculturation and Attitudinal Marginalization as Moderators, Cortney S. Warren, Linda G. Castillo, and David H. Gleaves
Characteristics of Binge Eating in Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder, Cortney S. Warren, Nancy C. Raymond, Susanne S. Lee, Lindsay H. Bartholome, and Susan K. Raatz
Submissions from 2008
Culture, Gender, and Assessment of Fear of Fatness, Suman Ambwani, Cortney S. Warren, David H. Gleaves, Antonio Cepeda-Benito, and Mari Carmen Fernandez
Psychosexual characteristics of vestibulodynia couples: Partner solicitousness and hostility influence pain, Mylene Desrosiers, Sophie Bergeron, Marta Meana, Bianca Leclerc, Yitzchak M. Binik, and Samir Khalife
Sex Differences in Visual Attention to Erotic and Non-Erotic Stimuli, Amy D. Lykins, Marta Meana, and Gregory P. Strauss
Painful intercourse: Dyspareunia and vaginismus, Marta Meana
The Drama of Sex, Identity, and the "Queen", Marta Meana
Acculturation and Sexuality: Investigating Gender Differences in Erotic Plasticity, Marta Meana and Lorraine Benuto
Sexual dysfunction, Marta Meana, Yitzchak M. Binik, and Lea Thaler
Obesity surgery: Stories of altered lives, Marta Meana and Lindsey Ricciardi
Factors of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory: Criterion-Related Validity and Relationship to the BIS/BAS and Five-Factor Models of Personality, Scott R. Ross, Stephen D. Benning, Christopher J. Patrick, Angela Thompson, and Amanda Thurston
Substance Use in Ethnic Minority Youth, Marilyn J. Strada MA and Brad Donohue
The Influence of Awareness and Internalization of Western Appearance Ideals on Body Dissatisfaction in Euro-American and Hispanic Males, Cortney S. Warren
Treating Eating Disorders: An Examination of Treatment Providers’ Experiences, Cortney S. Warren, Mary Ellen Crowley, Roberto Olivardia, and Andrea Schoen
Submissions from 2007
Eating Disorder Prevention Research: A Meta-Analysis, Michelle Cororve Fingeret, Cortney S. Warren, Antonio Cepeda-Benito, and David H. Gleaves
Linking Antisocial Behavior, Substance Use, and Personality: An Integrative Quantitative Model of the Adult Externalizing Spectrum., Robert F. Krueger, Kristian E. Markon, Christopher J. Patrick, Stephen D. Benning, and Mark D. Kramer
Remembering the pain: Accuracy of pain recall in endometriosis, Sarah Nunnink and Marta Meana
Adaptation of the Food Craving Questionnaire-Trait for the Assessment of Chocolate Cravings: Validation across British and Spanish Women, Sonia Rodrigez, Cortney S. Warren, Silvia Moreno, Antonio Cepeda-Benito, David H. Gleaves, Maria del Carmen Fernandez, and Jaime Vila
Symptoms of Executive Dysfunction are Endemic to Secondary Psychopathy: An Examination in Criminal Offenders and Noninstitutionalized Young Adults, Scott R. Ross, Stephen D. Benning, and Zachary Adams
English and Spanish Versions of the Body Shape Questionnaire: Measurement Equivalence Across Ethnicity and Clinical Status, Cortney S. Warren, Antonio Cepeda-Benito, David H. Gleaves, Silvia Moreno, Sonia Rodriguez, Mari del Carmen Fernandez, Michelle Cororve Fingeret, and Crystal A. Pearson
Submissions from 2006
A Detailed Analysis of Binges in Obese Women with Binge Eating Disorder: Comparisons Using Multiple Methods of Data Collection, Lindsay T. Bartholome, Nancy C. Raymond, Susanne S. Lee, Carol B. Peterson, and Cortney S. Warren
Effects of Picture Content and Intensity on Affective Physiological Response, Edward Bernat, Christopher J. Patrick, Stephen D. Benning, and Auke Tellegen
Parental Satisfaction in Child Abuse and Neglect: A Review of Standardized Measures, Alisha Carpenter and Brad Donohue
Psychometric Support for Contemporaneous and Retrospective Youth and Parent Reports of Adolescent Marijuana Use Frequency in an Adolescent Outpatient Treatment Population, Brad Donohue, Heather H. Hill, Nathan H. Azrin, Chad Cross, and Marilyn J. Strada
Effects of Brief Yoga Exercises and Motivational Preparatory Interventions in Distance Runners: Results of a Controlled Trial, Brad Donohue, A. Miller, M. Beisecker, D. Houser, R. Valdez, S. Tiller, and T. Taymar
Detection of differential viewing patterns to erotic and non-erotic stimuli using eye-tracking methodology, Amy D. Lykins, Marta Meana, and Gretchen Kambe
Gender differences in the content of cognitive distraction during sex, Marta Meana and Sarah E. Nunnink
Sexual functioning in a non-clinical sample of partnered lesbians, Marta Meana, Remi Spicer Rakipi, Gerald Weeks, and Amy D. Lykins
Construct Validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory Two-Factor Model With Offenders., Christopher J. Patrick, John F. Edens, Norman G. Poythress, Scott O. Lilienfeld, and Stephen D. Benning
Examination of Ethnicity in Controlled Treatment Outcome Studies Involving Adolescent Substance Abusers: A Comprehensive Literature Review, Marilyn J. Strada, Brad Donohue, and Noelle L. Lefforge
Submissions from 2005
Estimating Facets of Psychopathy From Normal Personality Traits: A Step Toward Community Epidemiological Investigations, Stephen D. Benning, Christopher J. Patrick, Daniel M. Blonigen, Brian M. Hicks, and William G. Iacono
Psychopathy, Startle Blink Modulation, and Electrodermal Reactivity in Twin Men, Stephen D. Benning, Christopher J. Patrick, and William G. Iacono
Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Psychopathy Factors Assessed Via Self-Report: A Comparison of Three Instruments, Stephen D. Benning, Christopher J. Patrick, Randall T. Salekin, and Anne-Marie R. Leistico
Treatment of Co-occurring Child Maltreatment and Substance Abuse, Brad Donohue, Valerie Romero, and Heather H. Hill
Teasing apart the pain from the sex: Is the pendulum swinging too far?, Marta Meana
Ethnicity as a Protective Factor Against Internalization of a Thin Ideal and body Dissatisfaction, Cortney S. Warren, David H. Gleaves, Antonio Cepeda-Benito, Maria del Carmen Fernandez, and Sonia Rodriguez-Ruiz
Inspiring or Dispiriting? The Effect of diet commercials on snack food consumption in high school and college‐aged women, Cortney S. Warren, Jaine Strauss, Juliette L. Taska, and Stephen J. Sullivan
Submissions from 2004
The Process and Consequences of Reporting Child Maltreatment: A Brief Overview for Professionals in the Mental Health Field, Krisann M. Alvarez, Brad Donohue, Maureen C. Kenny, Nicole Cavanagh, and Valerie Romero
Emotional Modulation of the Post‐Auricular Reflex, Stephen D. Benning, Christopher J. Patrick, and Alan R. Lang
Psychometric Evaluation of Self- and Collateral Timeline Follow-Back Reports of Drug and Alcohol Use in a Sample of Drug-Abusing and Conduct-Disordered Adolescents and Their Parents, Brad Donohue, Nathan H. Azrin, Marilyn J. Strada, Silver N. Clayton, Gordon Teichner, and Heather Murphy
The Continuity/Discontinuity Models of Eating Disorders: A Review of the Literature and Implications for Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention, David H. Gleaves, Joshua D. Brown, and Cortney S. Warren
Criterion-Related Validity of the Three-Factor Model of Psychopathy: Personality, Behavior, and Adaptive Functioning, Jason R. Hall, Stephen D. Benning, and Christopher J. Patrick
Chronic pain: The extra burden on Canadian women, Marta Meana, Robert Cho, and Marie DesMeules
Chronic pain: The extra burden on Canadian women, Marta Meana, Robert Cho, and Marie DesMeules
The motivations for and outcomes of employee referrals, Rachel S. Shinnar, Cheri A. Young, and Marta Meana
When women hurt in mind and body: Managing depression and physical symptoms, Donna E. Stewart, Marta Meana, Kathleen T. Brady, and Vivien K. Burt
Assessing Child Neglect: A Review of Standardized Measures, Stephanie A. Stowman and Brad Donohue
Submissions from 2003
Why Are Professionals Failing to Initiate Mandated Reports of Child Maltreatment, and Are There Any Empirically Based Training Programs to Assist Professionals in the Reporting Process?, Krisann M. Alvarez, Maureen C. Kenny, Brad Donohue, and Kimberly M. Carpin
Factor Structure of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory: Validity and Implications for Clinical Assessment., S. D. Benning, C. J. Patrick, B. M. Hicks, D. M. Blonigen, and R. F. Krueger
Painful genital sexual activity, Sophie Bergeron, Marta Meana, Yitzchak M. Binik, and Samir Khalife
A Systematic Approach to Conducting Educational Literature Searches, Karen A. Kemtes, Kelli Smith, Brad Donohue, Krisann M. Alvarez, Kimberly M. Carpin, and Jennifer Sinchak
The complexity of integration and the clarity of collective consciousness: The development of a model for research training in the sexual pain disorders, Marta Meana, Sophie Bergeron, and Yitzchak M. Binik
The Development and Controlled Evaluation of Athletic Mental Preparation Strategies in High School Distance Runners, Abby Miller
Submissions from 2002
A review of psychosocial outcomes of surgery for morbid obesity, Lindsey E. Bocchieri, Marta Meana, and Barry L. Fisher
Perceived psychosocial outcomes of gastric bypass surgery: A qualitative study, Lindsey E. Bocchieri, Marta Meana, and Barry L. Fisher
Adolescents and Their Parents:: A Critical Review of Measures to Assess Their Satisfaction with One Another, Leah A. DeCato, Brad Donohue, Nathan H. Azrin, Gordon A. Teichner, and Tom Crum
Physician-related determinants of cervical cancer screening among Caribbean women in Toronto, Ilene Hyman, Punam Mony Singh, Marta Meana, Usha George, Lilian M. Wells, and Donna E. Stewart
Submissions from 2001
A Controlled Evaluation and Description of Individual-Cognitive Problem Solving and Family-Behavior Therapies in Dually-Diagnosed Conduct-Disordered and Substance-Dependent Youth, Nathan H. Azrin, Brad Donohue, Gordon A. Teichner, Thomas Crum, Jennifer Howell, and Leah A. DeCato
A randomized comparison of group cognitive-behavioral therapy, surface electromyographic biofeedback, and vestibulectomy in the treatment of dyspareunia resulting from vulvar vestibulitis, Sophie Bergeron, Yitzchak M. Binik, Samir Khalife, Kelly Pagidas, Howard I. Glazer, Marta Meana, and Rhonda Amsel
The Development and Initial Evaluation of Two Promising Mental Preparatory Methods in a Sample of Female Cross Country Runners, Brad Donohue, R. Barnhart, T. Covassin, K. Carpin, and E. Korb
The role of the physician in mammography referral for older Caribbean women in Toronto, Ilene Hyman, Mony Singh, Farah Ahmad, Latoya Austin, Marta Meana, Usha George, Lilian M. Wells, and Donna E. Stewart
Influences on breast cancer screening behaviors in Tamil immigrant women 50 years old and over, Marta Meana, Terry Bunston, Usha George, Lilian M. Wells, and Walter Rosser
Older immigrant Tamil women and their doctors: Attitudes toward breast cancer screening, Marta Meana, Terry Bunston, Usha George, Lilian M. Wells, and Walter Rosser
Submissions from 2000
Prevalence and Treatment of Substance Abuse in the Mentally Retarded Population: An Empirical Review, Jesse F. Burgard, Brad Donohue, Nathan H. Azrin, and Gordon Teichner
Treatment decision making in mature adults: Gender differences, Barbara M. Crawford, Marta Meana, Donna E. Stewart, and Angela M. Cheung
Pain: Adding to the affective burden, Marta Meana and Donna E. Stewart
Information needs and decisional preferences among women with ovarian cancer, Donna E. Stewart, F. Wong, A. M. Cheung, J. Dancey, Marta Meana, J. I. Cameron, M. P. McAndrews, T. Bunston, J. Murphy, and B. Rosen
The Relationship of Neuropsychological Functioning to Measures of Substance use in an Adolescent Drug Abusing Sample, Gordon Teichner, Brad Donohue, Thomas A. Crum, Nathan H. Azrin, and Charles J. Golden
Identification of Neuropsychological Subtypes in a Sample of Delinquent Adolescents, Gordon Teichner, Charles J. Golden, Thomas A. Crum, Brad Donohue, and Vincent B. Van Hasselt
Men with prostate cancer: The influence of psychological factors on information needs and decision-making, Felicia Wong, Donna E. Stewart, Janet Dancey, Marta Meana, Mary Pat McAndrews, Terry Bunston, and Angela M. Cheung
Submissions from 1999
The sexual pain disorders: Is the pain sexual or is the sex painful?, Yitzchak M. Binik, Marta Meana, Karen Berkley, and Samir Kalife
Improving Initial Session Attendance of Substance Abusing and Conduct Disordered Adolescents: A Controlled Study, Brad Donohue PhD, Nathan H. Azrin, Heather Lawson, Josh Friedlander, Gordon Teichner, and Jeff Rindsberg
Development and Description of an Empirically Based Ecobehavioral Treatment Program for Child Maltreatment, Brad Donohue and Vincent B. Van Hasselt
Role-Play Assessment of Social Skills in Conduct Disordered and Substance Abusing Adolescents: An Empirical Review, Brad Donohue PhD, Vincent B. Van Hasselt PhD, Michel Hersen PhD, and Sean Perrin PhD
The commitment calibration hypothesis: When do people devalue attractive alternatives?, John E. Lydon, Marta Meana, Deborah Sepinwall, Nancy Richards, and Shari Mayman
Psychosocial correlates of pain attributions in women with dyspareunia, Marta Meana, Yitzchak M. Binik, Samir Khalife, and Deborah Cohen
Opioid therapy for chronic pancreatitis: Controlling aberrant use through behavioral management, Marta Meana, Sheri D. Pruitt, and Timothy R. Dresselhaus
Patient preference for the management of mildly abnormal Papanicolau smears, Marta Meana, Donna E. Stewart, Gordon M. Lickrish, Joan Murphy, and Barry Rosen
Submissions from 1998
Substance Refusal Skills in a Population of Adolescents Diagnosed with Conduct Disorder and Substance Abuse, Brad Donohue, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, Michel Hersen, and Sean Perrin
Cardiac rehabilitation: Gender differences in factors influencing participation, Lani Lieberman, Marta Meana, and Donna E. Stewart
The meeting of pain and depression: Comorbidity in women, Marta Meana
Affect and marital adjustment in women’s rating of dyspareunic pain, Marta Meana, Irv Binik, Sainir Khalife, and Deborah Cohen
Submissions from 1997
The treatment of vulvar vestibulitis syndrome: Toward a multimodal approach, Sophie Bergeron, Yitzchak M. Binik, Samir Khalife, Marta Meana, Karen J. Berkley, and Kelly Pagidas
From the couch to the keyboard: Psychotherapy in cyberspace, Yitzchak M. Binik, James Cantor, Eric Ochs, and Marta Meana
Dyspareunia: More than bad sex, Marta Meana, Yitzchak M. Binik, Samir Khalife, Sophie Bergeron, Kelly Pagidas, and Karen Berkley
Biopsychosocial Profile of Women With Dyspareunia, Marta Meana, Yitzchak M. Binik, Samir Khalife, and Deborah Cohen
Dyspareunia: Sexual dysfunction or pain syndrome?, Marta Meana, Yitzchak M. Binik, Samir Khalife, and Deborah Cohen
Submissions from 1996
Sexpert: An expert system for sexual assessment, counselling, and treatment, Yitzchak M. Binik, Eric Ochs, and Marta Meana
Assessment and Treatment of Juvenile Sex Offenders: An Empirical Review, Michael L. Bourke BA and Brad Donohue