Submissions from 1996
Relationship of Depression with Measures of Social Functioning in Adult Drug Abusers, Brad Donohue, Ron Acierno, and Evan Kogan
Submissions from 1995
A New Role for Psychology in the Treatment of Drug Abuse, Nathan H. Azrin PhD, Brad C. Donohue, V. A. Besalel, R. Acierno, and E. S. Kogan
Follow-up Results of Supportive versus Behavioral Therapy for Illicit Drug Use, N. H. Azrin, R. Acierno, E. S. Kogan, Brad Donohue, V. A. Besalel, and P. T. McMahon
Social Skills Training in a Depressed, Visually Impaired Older Adult, Brad Donohue, Ron Acierno, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, and Michel Hersen
Submissions from 1994
Psychological Interventions for Drug Abuse: A Critique and Summation of Controlled Studies, Ron Acierno, Brad Donohue, and Evan Kogan
Youth Drug Abuse Treatment: A Controlled Outcome Study, N. H. Azrin, Brad Donohue, V. A. Besalel, E. S. Kogan, and R. Acierno
Behavior Therapy for Drug Abuse: A Controlled Treatment Outcome Study, N. H. Azrin, P. T. McMahon, Brad Donohue, V. A. Besalel, K. J. Lapinski, E. S. Kogan, R. E. Acierno, and E. Golloway
Interaction with a Sex-Expert system changes attitudes and may modify sexual behavior, Yitzchak M. Binik, Marta Meana, and Nina Sand
Painful coitus: A review of female dyspareunia, Marta Meana and Yitzchak M. Binik
Learning about sex outside the gutter: Attitudes toward a computer Sex-Expert system, Eric Ochs, Marta Meana, Louise Pare, Kenneth Mah, and Yitzchak M. Binik
Submissions from 1993
It's not healthy to be sexy, Yitzchak M. Binik, Marta Meana, F. Courtois, and A. Stravynski
The effects of exposure to different sources of information on sexual behavior: Comparing a "Sex-Expert" system to other educational material, Eric P. Ochs, Marta Meana, Kenneth Mah, and Yitzchak M. Binik