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About the Collection

This collection contains faculty research from the UNLV Department of Physical Therapy. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV faculty research across all programs, visit the All Faculty Research collection.


Submissions from 2020

Fear of Falling Avoidance Behavior Affects the Inter-Relationship Between Vision Impairment and Diminished Mobility in Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Szu-Ping Lee, Ya-Wen Hsu, Lauren Andrew, Talia Davis, and Christian Johnson


Sound Effects on Standing Postural Strategies in the Elderly via Frequency Analysis Approach, Yun-Ju Lee, Chang-Hsu Chen, Chao-Che Wu, Yu-Jung Chen, and Jing-Nong Liang


Characterizing Intersection Variability of Butterfly Diagram in Post-stroke Gait Using Kernel Density Estimation, Yun Ju Lee and Jing Nong Liang

Altered Achilles Tendon Morphology in an Individual with Chronic Post-Stroke Hemiparesis: A Case Report, Jing Nong Liang and Kai-Yu Ho


Altered Achilles Tendon Morphology in Individuals With Chronic Post-Stroke Hemiparesis: A Case Report, Jing Nong Liang and Kai-Yu Ho


Immediate Effects of Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Postural Stability Using Computerized Dynamic Posturography in People With Chronic Post-stroke Hemiparesis, Jing Nong Liang, Leonard Ubalde, Jordon Jacklin, Peyton Hobson, Sara Wright-Avila, and Yun-Ju Lee

The Association Between Medication Use and Gait in Adults With Intellectual Disabilities, S. Maas, D. A.M. Festen, Thessa I.M. Hilgenkamp, and A. Oppewal

Is Fatness or Fitness Key for Survival in Older Adults With Intellectual Disabilities?, Alyt Oppewal and Thessa Hilgenkamp

Small Steps in Fitness, Major Leaps in Health for Adults With Intellectual Disabilities, Alyt Oppewal, Dederieke Maes-Festen, and Thessa Irena Maria Hilgenkamp

Use of Behaviour Change Techniques by Direct Support Professionals to Support Healthy Lifestyle Behaviour for People With Moderate to Profound Intellectual Disabilities, Annelies Overwijk, Annette A.J. van der Putten, Cees P. van der Schans, Mariël Willems, Thessa I.M. Hilgenkamp, and Aly Waninge

Participant Retention in Trauma Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Follow-Up Studies: A Post-Hoc Analysis of a Previous Scoping Review, Himanshu Rawal, Daniel L. Young, Roozbeh Nikooie, Awsse H. Al Ani, Lisa Aronson Friedman, Sumana Vasishta, Elliott R. Haut, Elizabeth Colantuoni, Dale M. Needham, and Victor D. Dinglas

Hypertension in Adults With Intellectual Disability: Prevalence and Risk Factors, Elizabeth C. Schroeder, Lindsay DuBois, Molly Sadowsky, and Thessa I.M. Hilgenkamp

Mild Acute Inflammation does not Impair Maintenance of Blood Pressure during a Hypotensive Stimulus, Elizabeth C. Schroeder, Thessa I.M. Hilgenkamp, Wesley K. Lefferts, and Bo Fernhall

Corticomotor Excitability of Gluteus Maximus Is Associated with Hip Biomechanics During a Single-Leg Drop-Jump, Yo Shih, Beth E. Fisher, Jo Armour Smith, and Christopher M. Powers

Maximal Force Production Requires OPTIMAL Conditions, Harjiv Singh, Arthur Hockwald, Nicholas Drake, Jason M. Avedesian, Szu Ping Lee, and Gabriele Wulf


Improving Environmental Capacities for Health Promotion in Support Settings for People with Intellectual Disabilities: Inclusive Design of the DIHASID Tool, Kristel Vlot-van Anrooij, Thessa I. M. Hilgenkamp, Geraline L. Leusink, Anneke van der Cruijsen, Henk Jansen, Jenneken Naaldenberg, and Koos van der Velden

How Can Care Settings for People with Intellectual Disabilities Embed Health Promotion?, Kristel Vlot-van Anrooij, Monique C. J. Kiks-Leensen, Anneke van der Cruijsen, Henk Jansen, Koos van der Velden, Geraline Leusink, Thessa I. M. Hilgenkamp, and Jenneken Naaldenberg

The Use of Postural Restoration for Treatment of Chronic Rotator Cuff Pathology: A Case Report, Jacob L. Waldron, Michael A. McKenney, Michelle N. Samuel, Tedd J. Girouard, Catherine L. Turner, and Kara N. Radzak

Using Systematic Functional Measurements in the Acute Hospital Setting to Combat the Immobility Harm, Daniel Young, Sapna R. Kudchadkar, Michael Friedman, Annette Lavezza, Sowmya Kumble, Kelly Daley, Eleni Flanagan, and Erik Hoyer

Measuring Mobility in Low Functioning Hospital Patients: An AM-PAC Replenishment Project, Daniel L. Young, Sowmya Kumble, Carmen Capo-Lugo, Heather Littier, Annette Lavezza, Erik Hoyer, Michael Friedman, Dale M. Needham, Debra Rogers, Susan C. Martin, Tami Minnier, Beth A. Matcho, Tracy Euloth, Pengsheng Ni, and Alan Jette

Submissions from 2019

Towards Healthy Settings for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Kristel Vlot-Van Anrooij, J. Naaldenberg, T. I.M. Hilgenkamp, L. Vaandrager, K. van der Velden, and G. L. Leusink

Association Between Ambulatory Status and Call Bell Use in Hospitalized Patients—A Retrospective Cohort Study, Carmen E. Capo-Lugo, Kara Shumock, Daniel L. Young, Lisa Klein, Andre Cassell, Maria Cvach, Annette Lavezza, Michael Friedman, Elys Bhatia, Daniel J. Brotman, and Erik H. Hoyer

Bilateral Assessment of the Corticospinal Pathways of the Ankle Muscles Using Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation., Charalambous C. Charalambous, Jing Nong Liang, Steve A. Kautz, Mark S. George, and Mark G. Bowsen

Varieties of the Highly Dispersible and Hypervariable Tree, Metrosideros Polymorpha, Differ in Response to Mechanical Stress and Light Across A Sharp Ecotone, Jill M. Ekar, Donald K. Price, Melissa A. Johnson, and Elizabeth A. Stacy

Patterns of Objectively Measured Sedentary Behaviour in Adults With Intellectual Disabilities, Leanne Harris, Arlene M. McGarty, Thessa Hilgenkamp, Fiona Mitchell, and Craig A. Melville