Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Communication Studies
First Committee Member
Anthony J. Ferri
Number of Pages
Communication apprehension (CA) or stage fright can result in shaking hands, a quivering voice, nausea, in addition to causing permanent emotional and social damage. Most students enrolled in the basic public speaking course suffer at some level with communication apprehension. With what is at stake in terms of success and failure, there needs to be some treatment for CA in these basic public speaking courses. A number of institutions have created special courses to treat apprehensive students, while others leave the treatment up to the individual instructors. These instructors must then decide, from the resources available, what treatment techniques best fit their time limitations and class structure; Through a national survey of college and university speech departments this study determines the number of speech departments treating CA in the classroom and the methods they use as treatment. From the results, recommendations are made on how these techniques can be put to use in the classroom.
Apprehension; Basic; Communication; Courses; National; Public; Recommendations; Speaking; Survey; Treating
Controlled Subject
Communication; Teachers--Training of
File Format
File Size
3368.96 KB
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Repository Citation
Robinson, Thomas Eugene, "Treating communication apprehension in the basic public speaking course: A national survey and recommendations" (1992). UNLV Retrospective Theses & Dissertations. 267.
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