Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
First Committee Member
Margaret Louis
Number of Pages
A study was done on 213 female subjects with a diagnosis of breast cancer and weight changes. The study tested the hypotheses: (a) Women with Stage I or II breast cancer gain weight. (b) Women with stage I breast cancer gain more weight than those with stage II. (c) Women with stage II breast cancer on adjuvant chemotherapy gain more weight than women with stage I or II on Tamoxifen alone. (d) Women with breast cancer who gain weight do not lose it after treatment ends; Findings failed to support null hypotheses a and d, but did b and c. A weight gain was noted in both stage I and II disease. At the 24 month mark women with stage I disease gained more than those with stage II but not significantly. Women with stage II disease on adjuvant therapy gained more weight than the Tamoxifen group but not significantly. At the 24 month mark women with stage II disease had leveled off in their weight but stage I women appeared to be on an upward curve of weight gain; The findings suggest further investigation of the cause of as well as actual weight gain in this population.
Breast; Cancer; Diagnosis; Females; Gain; Weight
Controlled Subject
Nursing; Oncology
File Format
File Size
3430.4 KB
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Repository Citation
Therrien, Sheryl, "Weight gain in females with a diagnosis of breast cancer" (1993). UNLV Retrospective Theses & Dissertations. 273.
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