Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
First Committee Member
Carolyn E. Sabo
Number of Pages
This descriptive, retrospective survey employed a questionnaire to determine what factors cause stress to expectant fathers during their partner's labor and delivery and how that stress is exhibited. Fathers of healthy newborns at two hospitals in Utah accompanying their partner in labor and delivery were asked to complete the questionnaire within 36 hours after the birth of their baby. The survey elicited responses from three different time periods during the labor and delivery: (1) the beginning of labor; (2) labor from the time of admission to the hospital and when labor reached its peak until delivery; and (3) during the delivery of the infant. The research data was analyzed utilizing four statistical techniques: (1) descriptive methods; (2) chi square; (3) Kendalls tau; and (4) MANOVA. The results of the study suggest that there were several stressors experienced by fathers during their partners' labor and delivery. The stress reaches its peak during the second time period studied, peak labor, and dropped during the delivery of the infant. The study also identified actions that help fathers to cope and addressed relationships between stress experienced during labor and delivery and several demographic and other influencing variables.
Delivery; Fathers; Labor; Partner; Stress
Controlled Subject
Nursing; Obstetrics
File Format
File Size
3758.08 KB
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Repository Citation
Brown, DeAnn Robinson, "The stress of fathers during the labor and delivery of their partner" (1993). UNLV Retrospective Theses & Dissertations. 281.
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