Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
First Committee Member
Lawrence A. Golding
Number of Pages
Physical fitness was measured in a Type II diabetic population and compared to apparently healthy men and women. Eighty-eight female Type II diabetics, aged over 40 years were compared to 2,008 normal females of the same age, and 138 male Type II diabetics were similarly compared to 2,271 normal males. The National YMCA physical fitness test battery was used to measure fitness which consisted of flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, and resting values of heart rate and blood pressure. Differences in the mean values of each parameter were tested for significance (p {dollar}<{dollar} 0.05) using the Z x test. Although significant differences were found in VO2 max and PWC max in both males and females, the results were conflicting. Since significant differences in most fitness variables existed, it must be assumed that Type II diabetics do not belong to the apparently healthy population fitness wise, therefore, norm tables should be developed for Type II diabetics. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.).
Comparison; Diabetics; Fitness; Health; Physical fitness; Population; Diabetes
Controlled Subject
Medical sciences
File Format
File Size
4536.32 KB
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Repository Citation
MacDonald, Joan Kathleen, "The comparison of physical fitness between Type Ii diabetics and the apparently healthy population" (1989). UNLV Retrospective Theses & Dissertations. 35.
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