The relation of socioeconomic and cognitive variables to dropout from a Salvation Army Drug Rehabilitation program
A group of 134 substance abusers from two Salvation Army Rehabilitation programs: the CDIP (Chemical Dependency Intervention Program) and the CDRP (Chemical Dependency Rehabilitation Program) were administered at intake to the program a demographic form, the CMRS (Circumstances, Motivation, Readiness and Suitability Scales), the Novaco Provocation Inventory (NPI) and the Cognitive Triad Inventory (CTI). A stepwise hierarchical analysis for each treatment was used to test the hypothesis asserts that the addition of cognitive factors would improve the prediction rate of dropout using demographic variables alone. Results supported this for the CDIP, but not the CDRP. The second hypothesis was that clients in the program would have elevated levels of NPI and CTI scores as compared to a normative population, which was confirmed by study. The third hypothesis that anger provocability as measured by the NPI would be correlated with the CTI was not supported.