Dynamic task distribution in a heterogeneous loosely-coupled distributed computer system

Samuel K West, University of Nevada, Las Vegas


This thesis studies the problem of dynamic distribution of tasks between hosts in a heterogeneous, loosely-coupled, distributed computing system. The goals of the study are to (a) demonstrate reduced execution time in a computer program making subroutine calls to be executed on a computer (or computers) which will yield better performance than the one on which the program was initiated, (b) demonstrate the feasibility of dynamic task-to-host binding, (c) demonstrate the feasibility of a programmer-transparent methodology of distributed computing using a library approach. These goals are partially realized using the Remote Procedure Call protocol in a programmer-transparent framework of library calls. Examples of a distributed library, libHCS, and an associated daemon, HCSdaemon, implemented in support of these goals, are analyzed for their feasibility and effectiveness in solving this problem. Although results of the study fail to demonstrate reduced execution time, dynamic task-to-host binding and programmer transparency were achieved. Further study is indicated.