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This collection contains digitized versions of UNLV graduate student theses and dissertations produced between 1978-2008 and previously available only in print or microfilm. For theses and dissertations produced between 2009-present, visit the UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones collection.
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Path planning and obstacle avoidance for a robot with large degree of redundancy, John Zhao Li
A field screening method for polychlorinated biphenyl compounds in water, Shen Lin
A fuzzy-logic controller for an autonomous vehicle operation in an unknown environment, William E McCarthy
A description of the use of alternative therapies by selected nurse practitioner groups, Jimmie H McCraw
An application of Solow's growth model: Case of sub-Saharan Africa, Maureen Sarahjane Miller
An application of Gaussian radial based function neural networks for the control of a nonlinear multi link robotic manipulator, Robert T Mizerek
Mechanical and cathodic protection aspects of multi-barrier tuff repository canister designs, Suneeta Mohansingh
Power and the professorship: Perceptions of sexual harassment, Melissa J Monson
The effect of prior localized muscle fatigue on lactate production during submaximal exercise, Molly A Morrison-Gibson
Self-stabilizing distributed algorithms for acyclic graphs, Viruthagiri Natarajan
The timing of orgasm and sexual satisfaction, Jacqueline Lee Newman
Molecular phylogeographic structure within the Perognathus fasciatus species-group, David Charles Nickle
An-Pan Man: Language and culture in a Japanese children's cartoon, Debra Jane Occhi
An empirical test of the restrictions in a net migration equation, Thomas A Perrigo
Exploring anti-gang advertising: Focus group discussions with gang members and at-risk youth, Kristin M Peterson
An overview of local, state, and federal regulations imposed upon political advertising, Gina B. Polovina
Modeling and control of the Pr-500-Fl pavement profiler cutter system, James William Porrazzo
Frequency sampling digital filters for multirate applications and pipelined implementations, Sivaramakrishnan Ramaswamy
Salvation black or white: Presbyterian rationale and Protestant support for the religious instruction of slaves in South Carolina, Susan E Ramey
Accuracy investigations of Parshall flumes and propeller meters, Monica Gisela Rivera
"For the continuance of their favours": Women, the public sphere and the print culture in England, 1750-1760, Sharlene Shalimar Sayegh
Flying Tigers' 22nd Bomb Squadron, 1942-1945: An analysis of management and leadership practices, Jack Lund Schofield
Life history biology and soil characteristics of two species of Arctomecon (Papaveraceae), Shelia Kathleen Sheldon
Diversification strategy, financial performance and stability in the foodservice industry, Amrik Singh
Theoretical and experimental analysis of the thermoacoustic refrigeration, Amritraj B Singh
The effects of a seven week slideboard training program, Douglas Boyd Smith
Videotape peer-modeling and self-modeling with preschoolers, Kimberly Ann Smith
Winnetka-6 (Original writing), Bettina E. Sobey
Woodstock: The creation and evolution of a myth, Jo Raelene Sorrell
Use of log normal transformation in environmental statistics, Sally L Stewart
Microbial transport in volcanic tuff Rainier Mesa, Nevada test site, Sandra Paige Story
Economists and the state: An Austrian critique of public finance economics, Richard Antonio Tejidor
Design of a heat transfer subsystem using a real time expert system, Rajitha Thalluri
Inference of moisture content in unsaturated media using ultrasonics, Suresh N Thota
Follow-through in conflict resolution as a factor in marital satisfaction and personal happiness, Carol Hemington Turner
The poetics of sketch comedy, Michael Douglas Upchurch
Self-stabilizing routing protocols, Rajesh Viswanathan
Sex guilt and its associations in a sexually abused population, Robyn Darleen Walser
Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry response pattern analysis of volatile organics in soils, Steven Edward Ward
The presidency and environmental policymaking: A critical assessment of George Bush, Ronald Gene Westfall
Studies of the use of time domain reflectometry to determine moisture content in finite regions, Xiang Xu
New empirical equations for calculating sound pressure levels in rooms, Wen Bo Zeng
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Concept-based text classification, Shanthi Kumar Adloori
Application of multirate digital signal processing to image compression, Ali Akrouf
A cubic and bicubic method for curve and surface estimation, Niki M Anagnostopoulou
"Such contented workers": Mine-mill organizers in the Ely, Nevada copper district, 1920--1943, David Myrwin Anderson
Differences between male and female principals in terms of demographics, perceived barriers encountered, and strategies used while in pursuit of the principalship, Ann Heywood Angulo
Practical algorithms for image compression and surface estimation, Matthew Y Au
Familial influences of anxiety in youngsters, Diane Wadiak Backus
David Shaw in the continuum of press self-criticism, Mark S Bacon
A comparative study between gaming and non-gaming food and beverage operations using Management by Values as an analytical tool, Cheryl Christine Baker
Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms, Paul Banta
Groundwater contamination by selenium, nitrate, coliform bacteria, and volatile organic compounds in the Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, shallow aquifer zone, Arthur Neil Bashor
Evaluating daily life stressors in children: Parent-child agreement, Julie Foutz Beasley
Of mice and missiles: An Austrian School economic appraisal of Lucas v South Carolina Coastal Commission, Joseph Francis Becker
Performance evaluation of distributed mutual exclusion algorithms, Kenneth B Been
The mechanism and function of transient pressure fluctuations occurring in the lungs during diving in the turtle, Trachemys (=Pseudemys); scripta elegans, Henry Lee Bermudez
Estimation of leakage between the shallow and principal aquifers in the Las Vegas Valley Water District's main well field, Las Vegas, Nevada, Alan Joseph Bernholtz
Prediction of performance criteria for passive heating ventilation and air conditioning silencers, Mark Olen Bodie
Character recognition and information retrieval, Julia Ann Cooley Borsack
A phylogeographic investigation of the mountain chickadee, Michael John Boyles
The stress of fathers during the labor and delivery of their partner, DeAnn Robinson Brown
Members' perception of service quality at the Nellis Air Force Base Officers' Open Mess, Brian Douglas Campbell
Analogies of image and word: Studies in painting and the Anglo-American novel from the eighteenth century to postmodernism, Pamela Cantrell
Ethics and foreign policy decisions: Iran-Contra United States-Iraq interaction, 1988-1991, Maureen Stephanie Carroll
Probing corruption: Elite perceptions of sting operations, John L Chaddic
Task allocation and migration on a star-network, Safdar F Chatiwala
Variable structure and singular perturbation control of elastic dynamical systems, Shailaja Chenumalla
Customer compatibility in restaurants, Yuh-Jye Cherng
Music video viewing and adolescents' perceptions of movie musicals, Patricia Callanan Coaley
"Early Retirement" and other stories (Original writing), Ardis Coffman
Comparison and correlation of lithostratigraphic and hydrostratigraphic units of southwest area 20, Pahute Mesa, Nevada test site, Deborah Ann Dale
A study of gifted and talented educational programs in Nevada public school districts, Thursenia DeHart-Porter
George Eliot: Beyond feminism, Mary J Dengler
Nixon and Carter: A comparative analysis of American foreign policy toward the Middle East, Kristen Josie Dolan
Evaluation of selected aliphatic acids and polytetrahydrofurans for use as calibration agents for thermospray Hplc/Ms, Tonya Rose Dombrowski
Desert bighorn movements and habitat use in relation to the proposed Black Canyon Bridge Project, Nevada, Donald William Ebert
A comparison of maximal oxygen uptake achieved from a horizontal and inclined treadmill test, Cherri Nowotny Epstein
On the effect of dynamic adjustment of recurrent network parameters on learning, Stephen Lee Felgar
Foster parent adoption: Preparing children through the use of Life Books, Veronica Fiscus
Self-stabilizing deadlock algorithms in distributed systems, Mitchell Elliott Flatebo
The role of attributional style, dysfunctional attitudes, and negative life events on depression in college students, Linda V Frantom
Influence of interdisciplinary teaming on teachers in an urban high school, Amy Gwendolyn Gaskins
Harmonic analysis of transformer excitation currents, Xiaoqiang Gong
The effect of participation in a sport and recreation program on job and community satisfaction, Stacey Marie Gorney
An estimate of the impact that mega-resort casino-hotels have on existing Las Vegas strip casino/hotels, Gregory Wayne Goussak
The influence of a transformative elementary science curriculum on at-risk students: A case report, M. Katheryn Grimes
The metabolic rate of Xenopus laevis: Interactional influences of development and short term hypoxia, Dulynn Hastings
Evaluation of filter pack dewatering on Voc concentrations in a simulated low-yield monitoring well, Gary Allen Icopini
Social support and the woman with breast cancer: Issues of measurement, Bonnie Margaret Ivey
The use of synthesized images to evaluate the performance of Ocr devices and algorithms, Frank Robert Jenkins
An examination of the first national Senior Adult Theatre festival: Senior Theatre Usa, Jill Marie Jensen
Weldings (Original writing), Mark Steven Jensen
Consumers' attitudes of fast food restaurants in hotels, Miyoung Jeong
Children's preferences for text and how these preferences contribute to classroom literacy events, Linda June Johnson
Formal verification of distributed deadlock detection algorithms, Brian Matt Johnston
Effects of transmission line compensation and power factor correction on harmonic propagation, Robert Douglas Kingston
On strong reduction in director string calculus, Matthew Edward Kinkenon
Identification and comparison of factors affecting breast self-examination between professional nurses and non-nursing professional women, Sandra Christina Klimek