The Urban Sustainability Initiative's inaugural conference, "Shaping the Future of Southern Nevada: Economic, Environmental, and Social Sustainability," was held October 24, 2007. It attracted more than 400 participants from Nevada who represented local municipalities, private industry, architectural firms, social service agencies, colleges and universities, and local businesses. These professionals came together to learn from more than 40 experts in six panel sessions on environmental sustainability, health challenges, economic growth and diversification, youth and aged populations, community development and architecture, and service learning.

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Wednesday, October 24th
7:30 AM

Shaping the future of Southern Nevada conference cover artwork

James B. Pink, Professor Emeritus, UNLV Art Department

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

7:30 AM

Shaping the future of Southern Nevada conference photos

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

7:30 AM

Shaping the future of Southern Nevada conference schedule

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

7:30 AM

Shaping the future of Southern Nevada moderators & panelists biographies

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

9:30 AM

Las Vegas X 3 @ 2030-Part 1 & 2

Arthur Chris Nelson, Metropolitan Institute Virginia Tech

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union Ballroom

9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

10:30 AM

Engaging the community: The Metropolitan university

Jonathan Fink, Arizona State University

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union Ballroom

10:30 AM - 11:15 AM

12:30 PM

Concurrent panel session 1: Environmental sustainability and Las Vegas

Dale A. Devitt, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
David E. James, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Patricia Mulroy, Las Vegas Valley Water District & the Southern Nevada Water Authority
Alan O'Neill, Outside Las Vegas Foundation
Thomas C. Piechota, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Doug Selby, City of Las Vegas
Krystyna Anne Stave, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Michael Yackira, Sierra Pacific Resources
Bruce Turner, Regional Transportation Commission

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union Theatre

12:30 PM - 1:50 PM

12:30 PM

Concurrent panel session 2: Health challenges facing Las Vegas

Carlos Brandenburg, Nevada Division of Mental Health
Shawn Gerstenberger, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Zaven Khachaturian, Lou Ruvo Brain Institute
John McDonald, University of Nevada, School of Medicine
Dennis Pirages, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thom Reilly, Harrah’s Entertainment
Kathy Silver, University Medical Center
Bonnie Sorenson, Clark County Health District
Carolyn B. Yucha, University of Nevada ,Las Vegas
Maurizio Trevisan, Nevada Health Sciences System

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union Room 208

12:30 PM - 1:50 PM

2:00 PM

Concurrent panel session 1: Challenges of economic growth & diversification & labor preparation in Las Vegas

Maggie Arias-Petrel, Global Medical Professional Consulting
Cedric Crear, Crear Creative Group
Somer Hollingsworth, Nevada Development Authority
Mike Majewski, City of North Las Vegas
John Restrepo, Restrepo Consulting Group
Mary Riddel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Keith Schwer, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Dina Titus, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union Theatre

2:00 PM - 3:20 PM

2:00 PM

Concurrent panel session 2: Challenges facing our youth and aged populations

Michele Clark, University of Nevada Las Vegas, School of Nursing
Claudia Collins, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Chris Kearney, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Department of Psychology
Ed Jost, City of Las Vegas Department of Leisure Services
Larry Mason, College of Southern Nevada
Carla Sloan, AARP Nevada
William Sullivan, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union Room 208

2:00 PM - 3:20 PM

3:30 PM

Concurrent panel session 1: Sustainability in community development and architecture in Las Vegas

Alfredo Fernandez-Gonzalez, University of Nevada Las Vegas, School of Architecture
Craig Galati, Lucchesi-Galati Architects
Mary Kay Peck, City of Henderson
Jeff Roberts, Lucchesi-Galati Architects
Suzanne Sanders, Molasky Group of Companies
Richard Serfas, American Nevada Company

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union Theatre

3:30 PM - 4:50 PM

3:30 PM

Concurrent panel session 2: Service learning: Linking students and community

Daniel McLean, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Jane Pike, Clark County Department of Parks and Recreation
Seth Pollack, California State University Monterey Bay
Fran Smith, Volunteer Center of Southern Nevada
Jean Whitney, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Cheri Young, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union Room 208

3:30 PM - 4:50 PM

5:00 PM

Shaping the future of Southern Nevada conference key points

Ron Smith, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Student Union Ballroom

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM