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This collection contains faculty research from the UNLV Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV faculty research across all programs, visit the All Faculty Research collection.
Submissions from 2024
Development of an Anisotropic Hyperelastic Material Model for Porcine Colorectal Tissues, Youssef Fahmy, Mohamed B. Trabia, Brian Ward, Lucas Gallup, and Mary Froehlich
Submissions from 2023
Global, Regional, and National Burden of Diabetes from 1990 to 2021, With Projections of Prevalence to 2050: a Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021, Kavita Batra and Numerous Authors, See List Below
Global, Regional, And National Incidence of Six Majorimmune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases: findings From Theglobal Burden of Disease Study 2019, Kavita Batra; Manoj Sharma; Asma Tahir Awan; and Numerous Authors, See List Below
The Data Error Criteria (DEC) for Retrospective Studies: Development and Preliminary Application, Lindsay Buczek, Fadi Azar, Justin Bauzon, Kavita Batra, Caleb Murphy, and Sandhya Wahi-Gururaj
Spiritual Well-Being and Burnout Syndrome in Healthcare: A Systematic Review, Francesco Chirico, Kavita Batra, Ravi Batra, Giuseppe Ferrari, Pietro Crescenzo, Gabriella Nucera, Lukasz Szarpak, Manoj Sharma, Nicola Magnavita, and Murat Yildirim
The Pathogenesis of COVID-19: Hypercoagulation and D-dimer in Thrombotic Complications, Leonid Dubey, Halyna Lytvyn, Olha Dorosh, Nataliya Dubey, Olena Kozlova, Michal Pruc, Nina Kubikowska, Lukasz Szarpak, Kavita Batra, Francesco Chirico, Gabriella Nucera, Svitlana Doan, and Uljana Shevtsiv
Safety and Efficacy of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the Pediatric Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Mark Hsu, Kyaw Min Tun, Kavita Batra, Lubaba Haque, Tahne Vongsavath, and Annie S. Hong MD
Remdesivir-Associated Bradycardia in COVID-19: A Rapid Review Protocol, Elli Tian BSc, Celica Cosme, Justin Bauzon, Kavita Batra, Fadi Azar, and Ariyon Schreiber
Submissions from 2022
Assessing COVID-19 Booster Hesitancy and Its Correlates: An Early Evidence from India, Geetanjali C. Achrekar, Kavita Batra, Yashashri Urankar, Ravi Batra, Naved Iqbal, Sabiha A. Choudhury, Deepti Hooda, Roohi Khan, Suraj Arora, Aditi Singh, Francesco Chirico, and Manoj Sharma
Trends in Scientific Output on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Community Research: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature, David An and Kavita Batra
Literature Review of Omicron: A Grim Reality Amidst COVID-19, Suraj Arora, Vishakha Grover, Priyanka Saluja, Youssef Abdullah Algarni, Shahabe Abullais Saquib, Shaik Mohammed Asif, Kavita Batra, Mohammed Y. Alshahrani, Gotam Das, Rajni Jain, and Anchal Ohri
Healthcare Utilization and Expenditures of the Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome in Nevada: A Cross-sectional Analysis (2016 - 2018), Kavita Batra, Patricia Cruz, Chad L. Cross, Neeraj Bhandari, Farooq Abdulla, Jennifer R. Pharr, and Mark P. Buttner
Assessing Psychological Impact of COVID-19 among Parents of Children Returning to K-12 Schools: A U.S. Based Cross-Sectional Survey, Kavita Batra, Jennifer R. Pharr, Emylia Terry, and Brian Labus
COVID-19 Booster Vaccination Hesitancy in the United States: A Multi-Theory-Model (MTM) Based National Assessment, Kavita Batra, Manoj Sharma, Chia-Liang Dai, and Jagdish Khubchandani
Pediatric Trauma Arrival Times and the Swing Shift, Patrick Berg, Paul J. Chestovich, Stephanie Jones, Gayle Allenback, Allison G. McNickle, Syed F. Saquib, Douglas R. Fraser, and Deborah A. Kuhls
Evaluating Long-Term Outcomes of a High School-Based Impaired and Distracted Driving Prevention Program, Lindsay Buczek, Laura K. Gryder, Samantha Slinkard-Barnum, Kavita Batra, Cassandra Trummel, Allison G. McNickle, Douglas R. Fraser, Deborah A. Kuhls, and Paul J. Chestovich
Prevalence and Predictors of Burnout Syndrome among Italian Psychologists following the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study, Pietro Crescenzo, Francesco Chirico, Giuseppe Ferrari, Lukasz Szarpak, Gabriella Nucera, Raffaella Marciano, Livio Tarchi, Diego Denicolo, Assunta Maiorino, Kavita Batra, and Manoj Sharma
Does Covid-19 Increase the Risk of Developing Cystic Lung Disease?, Christina Fanous, Max Nguyen, Omar Sanyurah, Wilbur Ji, Kavita Batra, and Rajany V. Dy
Relationships Between Frontal Metabolites and Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers in Cognitively Normal Older Adults, Antoine Hone-Blanchet, Anastasia Bohsali, Lisa C. Krishnamurthy, Salman Shahid, Qixiang Lin, Liping Zhao, David Loring, Felicia Goldstein, Samantha E. John, Candace C. Fleischer, Allan Levey, James Lah, Deqiang Qiu, and Bruce Crosson
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Decompensated Cirrhosis: A Systematic Review on Safety and Efficacy, Annie S. Hong, Kyaw Min Tun, Jenny M. Hong, Kavita Batra, and Gordon Ohning
Assessing the Compliance of Dental Clinicians towards Regulatory Infection Control Guidelines Using a Newly Developed Survey Tool: A Pilot Cross-Sectional Study in India, Pragati Kaurani, Kavita Batra, Himangini Rathore Hooja, N. Gopi Chander, Anamitra Bhowmick, Suraj Arora, Suheel Manzoor Baba, Shafait Ullah Khateeb, Anshad M. Abdulla, Vishakha Grover, and Priyanka Saluja
Factors Associated with Improved Outcome of Inhaled Corticosteroid use in COVID-19: A Single Institutional Study, A. Manfra, Claire Chen, Kavita Batra, Kyaw Min Tun, and Mutsumi Kioka
Clinical Characteristics and Implications of Bradycardia in COVID‐19 Patients Treated with Remdesivir: A Single‐Center Retrospective Cohort Study, Ariyon Schreiber, Justin S. Bauzon, Kavita Batra, Salman Mohammed, Kevin Lee, Nazanin Houshmand, Uyen Pham, Celica Cosme, Kim Inciong, Omar Al‑Taweel, Keaton Nasser, Jibran Rana, Chris Sossou, Ariel Go, Dalia Hawwass, Jimmy Diep, and Chowdhury H. Ahsan
Assessing the Testability of the Multi-Theory Model (MTM) in Predicting Vaping Quitting Behavior among Young Adults in the United States: A Cross-Sectional Survey, Manoj Sharma, Kavita Batra, Ravi Batra, Chia-Liang Dai, Traci Hayes, Melinda J. Ickes, and Tejinder Pal Singh
Predicting Flossing through the Application of the Multi-Theory Model (MTM) of Health Behavior Change among Minority Adolescents in the United States, Manoj Sharma, Kavita Batra, Ching-Chen Chen, Chia-Liang Dai, Ravi Batra, and David Cappelli
Explaining Correlates of Cervical Cancer Screening among Minority Women in the United States, Manoj Sharma, Kavita Batra, Christopher Johansen, and Siddharth Raich
A Multi-theory Model Based Analysis of Correlates for Initiating and Sustaining Mammography Screening Behavior Among Hispanic American Women in the United States, Manoj Sharma, Kavita Batra, Amanda H. Wilkerson, Francesco Chirico, and Siddharth Raich
Knowledge or Awareness of Non-communicable Diseases and their Associated Risk Factors among University Students in Fiji: A Cross-sectional Study, Awadhesh Kumar Shirotriya and Kavita Batra
Omicron Variants of the SARS-COV-2: A Potentially Significant Threat in a New Wave of Infections, Lukasz Szarpak, Michal Pruc, Alla Navolokina, Kavita Batra, Francesco Chirico, and Charles De Roquetaillade
A Systematic Review of the Efficacy and Safety of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in the Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy and Clostridioides difficile Infection in Patients With Cirrhosis, Kyaw Min Tun, Annie S. Hong, Kavita Batra, Yassin Naga, and Gordon Ohning
Efficacy and Safety of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Treatment of Clostridioides difficile Infection among Pediatric Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Kyaw Min Tun, Mark Hsu, Kavita Batra, Chun-Han Lo, Tooba Laeeq, Tahne Vongsavath, Salman Mohammed, and Annie S. Hong MD
Mental Disorder Symptoms during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America – A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Stephen X. Zhang, Kavita Batra, Wen Xu, Tao Liu, Rebecca Kechen Dong, Allen Yin, Andrew Yilong Delios, Bryan Z. Chen, Richard Z. Chen, Saylor Miller, Xue Wan, Wenping Ye, and Jiyao Chen
Submissions from 2021
Consensus-Based Standards and Indicators to Strengthen Trauma Center Injury and Violence Prevention Programs, Christy Adams, Deborah A. Kuhls, Shelli Stephens-Stidham, Julie Alfonso, Stewart Williams, and Glen H. Tinkoff
The Role of the US Trauma Centers in Older Adult Fall Prevention: A National Survey, Lisa Allee, Mark Faul, Prathima Guntipalli, Peter A. Burke, Sowmya R. Rao, Donald N. Reed, Ronald Gross, Thomas K. Duncan, Tina L. Palmieri, Zara Cooper, Eileen M. Bulger, Ronald M. Stewart, and Deborah A. Kuhls
Thrombosis, Bleeding, and the Observational Effect of Early Therapeutic Anticoagulation on Survival in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19, Hanny Al-Samkari, Shruti Gupta, Rebecca Karp Leaf, Wei Wang, Rachel P. Rosovsky, Samantha K. Brenner, Salim S. Hayek, Hanna Berlin, Rajat Kapoor, Shahzad Shaefi, Michal L. Melamed, Anne Sutherland, Jared Radbel, Adam Green, Brian T. Garibaldi, Anand Srivastava, Amanda Leonberg-Yoo, Alexandre M. Shehata, Jennifer E. Flythe, Arash Rashidi, Nitender Goyal, Lili Chan, Kusum S. Mathews, S. Susan Hedayati, Rajany Dy, Stephanie M. Toth-Manikowski, Jingjing Zhang, Mary Mallappallil, Roberta E. Redfern, and Amar D. Bansal
Leveraging the Perspectives of Deaf Trainees to Better Care for Vulnerable Communities, Hannah L. Anderson, Ian DeAndrea-Lazarus, and Zachary Featherstone
Required Longitudinal Service-Learning and Its Effects on Medical Students’ Attitudes Toward the Underserved, Monica Rose Arebalos, Faun Lee Botor, Edward Simanton, and Jennifer Young
Validation of Induced Microglia-Like Cells (iMG Cells) for Future Studies of Brain Diseases, Atoshi Banerjee, Yimei Lu, Kenny Do, Travis Mize, Xiaogang Wu, Xiangning Chen, and Jingchun Chen
Robotic Reversal of Hartmann's Procedure, Ovunc Bardakcioglu
Surgical Outcomes Between Temporal, Extratemporal Epilepsies and Hypothalamic Hamartoma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Mri-Guided Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy, Niravkumar Barot, Kavita Batra, Jerry Zhang, Mary Lou Klem, James Castellano, Jorge Gonzalez-Martinez, and Anto Bagic
Dietary Strawberries Improve Biomarkers of Antioxidant Status and Endothelial Function in Adults With Cardiometabolic Risks in a Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial, Arpita Basu, Kenneth Izuora, Nancy M. Betts, Jeffrey L. Ebersole, and Robert Hal Scofield
Assessing the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 among College Students: An Evidence of 15 Countries, Kavita Batra, Manoj Sharma, Ravi Batra, Tejinder P. Singh, and Nena Schvaneveldt
Knowledge, Protective Behaviors and Risk Perception of COVID-19 Among Dental Students in India: A Cross-Sectional Analysis, Kavita Batra, Yashashri Urankar, Ravi Batra, Aaron F. Gomez, Meru S., and Pragati Kaurani
The Impact of Educational Resources and Perceived Preparedness on Medical Education Performance, Justin Bauzon, Amalie Alver, Vishvaas Ravikumar, Adrian Devera, Tatiana Mikhael, Rafae Nauman, and Edward Simanton
Using Macros in Microsoft Excel to Facilitate Cleaning of Research Data, Justin Bauzon, Caleb Murphy, and Sandhya Wahi-Gururaj
Cone Beam CT Guidance Improves Transbronchial Lung Cryobiopsy Safety, Bryan S. Benn, Arthur Oliver Romero, Hasnain Bawaadam, Nathaniel Ivanick, Mendy Lum, and Ganesh Krishna
Robotic-Assisted Navigation Bronchoscopy as a Paradigm Shift in Peripheral Lung Access, Bryan S. Benn, Arthur O. Romero, Mendy Lum, and Ganesh Krishna
Valproic Acid Autoinduction: A Case-Based Review, Sean Bennett and Mujeeb U. Shad
Assessing Clinical Change in Individuals Exposed to Repetitive Head Impacts: The Repetitive Head Impact Composite Index, Charles Bernick, Guogen Shan, Lauren Bennett, Jay Alberts, and Jeffrey Cummings
Dysphagia and Epigastric Pain in an Adolescent Boy, Senthil Velan Bhoopalan and Rabea Alhosh
Understanding the Makeup of a Growing Field: A Committee on Trauma Survey of the National Network of Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Programs, Stephanie Bonne, Ashley Hink, Pina Violano, Lisa Allee, Thomas Duncan, Peter Burke, Joel Fein, Tamara Kozyckyj, David Shapiro, Katherine Bakes, Deborah Kuhls, Eileen Bulger, and Rochelle Dicker
Utility of the Cerebroplacental Ratio (CPR) In Marijuana Exposed Growth Restricted Fetuses, Bobby K. Brar, Pooja P. Brar, Michael O. Gardner, James M. Alexander, and Nora M. Doyle
Seeing Green: Lighting up the Ureters in Minimally Invasive Colorectal Surgery, Jocelyn F. Burke and Terrah Paul Olson
Firearm Storage Practices of US Members of the American College of Surgeons, Brendan T. Campbell, Deborah A. Kuhls, Cynthia L. Talley, Eileen M. Bulger, and Ronald M. Stewart
Relationship between Medical School Diversity and Participation in the US News and World Report Survey, Chayan Chakraborti, Michael J. Woodson, and Marc J. Kahn
Surface Area Graphic Evaluation (SAGE) Diagram Documentation in Burn Patients: Room for Quality Improvement, Mattalynn Chavez-Navin, Barkat Ali, EunHo E. Choi, Ryan Keffer, Sydney Cooper, Whitney Elks, Victor Andujo, and Gregory Borah
Comparing the Effect of Distance to Treatment Facility on Reconstruction and Breast Conservation Therapy for Early-Stage Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Between the Nation and the Mountain Region, Daniel Cheng, Jennifer Baynosa, Chad Cross, Daniel Kirgan, Shelley J. Williams, and Charles St Hill
Vitamin D3 Induces Mesenchymal-to-Endothelial Transition and Promotes a Proangiogenic Niche Through IGF-1 Signaling, Lei Chen, Anweshan Samanta, Lin Zhao, Nathaniel R. Dudley, Tanner Buehler, Robert J. Vincent, Jeryl Hauptman, Magdy Girgis, and Buddhadeb Dawn
Artificial Image Objects for Classification of Breast Cancer Biomarkers With Transcriptome Sequencing Data and Convolutional Neural Network Algorithms, Xiangning Chen, Daniel G. Chen, Zhongming Zhao, Justin M. Balko, and Jingchun Chen
Artificial Image Objects for Classification of Schizophrenia with GWAS-Selected SNVs and Convolutional Neural Network, Xiangning Chen, Daniel G. Chen, Zhongming Zhao, Justin Zhan, Changrong Ji, and Jingchun Chen
When Should Feeds Be Resumed After Surgical Feeding Tube Placement? A Survey of East Members, Paul Chestovich, Allison McNickle, Douglas Fraser, Syed Saquib, Joseph Carroll, Stephanie Streit, Deborah Kuhls, and Katie Velez
Why Aducanumab Is Important, Jeffrey Cummings
Aducanumab: Appropriate Use Recommendations, Jeffrey Cummings, P. Aisen, L. G. Apostolova, A. Atri, S. Salloway, and M. Weiner
Aducanumab Produced a Clinically Meaningful Benefit in Association With Amyloid Lowering, Jeffrey Cummings, Paul Aisen, Cynthia Lemere, Alireza Atri, Marwan Sabbagh, and Stephen Salloway
The Costs of Developing Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Retrospective Exploration, Jeffrey L. Cummings, Dana P. Goldman, Nicholas R. Simmons-Stern, and Eric Ponton
Developing Methods to Detect and Diagnose Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy During Life: Rationale, Design, and Methodology for the DIAGNOSE CTE Research Project, Jeffrey Cummings and Numerous Authors, See Full List Below
Aducanumab: Appropriate Use Recommendations, Jeffrey Cummings and Steve Salloway
Cognitive Effects of the BET Protein Inhibitor Apabetalone: A Prespecified Montreal Cognitive Assessment Analysis Nested in the BETonMACE Randomized Controlled Trial, Jeffrey Cummings, Gregory G. Schwartz, Stephen J. Nicholls, Aziz Khan, Chris Halliday, Peter P. Toth, Michael Sweeney, Jan O. Johansson, Norman C.W. Wong, Ewelina Kulikowski, Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, Kenneth Lebioda, Henry N. Ginsberg, Bengt Winblad, Henrik Zetterberg, and Kausik K. Ray
Social Media, Stress and Sleep Deprivation: A Triple “S” Among Adolescents, Micajah Daniels, Manoj Sharma, and Kavita Batra
Comparison of Internal Jugular Vein Cross-Section Area During a Russian Tilt-Table Protocol and Microgravity, Jason David, Richard A. Scheuring, Andrew Morgan, Cara Olsen, Ashot Sargsyan, and Alexey Grishin
EUS-Guided Pelvic Drainage: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Banreet Singh Dhindsa, Yassin Naga, Syed Mohsin Saghir, Amaninder Dhaliwal, Daryl Ramai, Chad Cross, Shailender Singh, Ishfaq Bhat, and Douglas G. Adler
Endo-Sponge in Management of Anastomotic Colorectal Leaks: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Banreet S. Dhindsa, Yassin Naga, Syed M. Saghir, Sarav Gunjit Singh Daid, Saurabh Chandan, Harmeet Mashiana, Amaninder Dhaliwal, Abhitej Sidhu, Harlan Sayles, Daryl Ramai, Ishfaq Bhat, Shailender Singh, Stephanie McDonough, and Douglas G. Adler
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome in Pediatrics: An Emerging Problem, Kaushal Dosani, Carolina Koletic, and Rabea Alhosh
Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease: Recommendations of the International Working Group, Bruno Dubois, Nicolas Villain, Giovanni B. Frisoni, Gil D. Rabinovici, Marwan Sabbagh, Stefano Cappa, Alexandre Bejanin, Stéphanie Bombois, Stéphane Epelbaum, Marc Teichmann, Marie Odile Habert, Agneta Nordberg, Kaj Blennow, Douglas Galasko, Yaakov Stern, Christopher C. Rowe, Stephen Salloway, Lon S. Schneider, Jeffrey L. Cummings, and Howard H. Feldman
Outcomes of Children With Diabetic Ketoacidosis Necessitating Tracheal Intubation, Mark Dugan, Judith Ben Ari, Mais Yacoub, and Chad Cross
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Prevention Committee Review: Family Justice Centers-a Not-so-Novel, but Unknown Gem, Thomas K. Duncan, Ronald Stewart, Kimberly Joseph, Deborah A. Kuhls, Tracey Dechert, Sharven Taghavi, Stephanie Bonne, and Kazuhide Matsushima
The Effects of Warfarin and Direct Oral Anticoagulants on Systemic Vascular Calcification: A Review, Kalaimani Elango, Awad Javaid, Banveet K. Khetarpal, Sathishkumar Ramalingam, Krishna Prasad Kolandaivel, Kulothungan Gunasekaran, and Chowdhury Ahsan
Prenatal Diagnosis in Nevada for Patients Undergoing Cardiovascular Surgery in the First Six Months, Willam N. Evans, Ruben J. Acherman, Micahel L. Ciccolo, Juan Lehoux, and Humberto Restrepo
Isolated Vascular Rings in the Era of High Prenatal Detection Rates: Demographics, Diagnosis, Risk Factors, and Outcome, William N. Evans, Ruben J. Acherman, Michael L. Ciccolo, Juan Lehoux, Dean Berthoty, Gary A. Mayman, and Humberto Restrepo
Prenatal Diagnosis of Isolated Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Defects Undergoing Primary Surgical Repair In Infancy, William N. Evans, Ruben J. Acherman, Michael L. Ciccolo, Juan Lehoux, and Humberto Restrepo
Fontan-Associated Liver Disease and Total Cavopulmonary Anatomical Flow Effectors, William N. Evans, Ruben J. Acherman, Alvaro Galindo, Abraham Rothman, Michael L. Ciccolo, Juan Lehoux, Brody J. Winn, Noel S. Yumiaco, and Humberto Restrepo
Fontan-Associated Anatomical Variants and Hepatic Fibrosis, William N. Evans MD; Ruben J. Acherman MD; Gary A. Mayman MD; Alvaro Galindo MD; Abraham Rothman MD; Michael L. Ciccolo MD; Juan Lehoux MD; Brody J. Winn MD; Noel S. Yumiaco MD; and Humberto Restrepo MD, MPH
Advanced Maternal Age and Critical Congenital Cardiac Malformations in Nevada, William N. Evans, Ruben J. Acherman, and Humberto Restrepo
Critical Congenital Heart Disease and Maternal Comorbidities: An Observation, William N. Evans, Ruben J. Acherman, and Humberto Restrepo
Common Arterial Trunk in the Era of High Prenatal Detection Rates: Results of Neonatal Palliation and Primary Repair, Williams N. Evans, Ruben J. Acherman, Michael L. Ciccolo, Juan Lehoux, Alvaro Galindo, Abraham Rothman, Gary A. Mayman, and Humberto Restrepo
Building Brain Capital, Harris A. Eyre, Rym Ayadi, William Ellsworth, Gowri Aragam, Erin Smith, Walter D. Dawson, Agustin Ibanez, Cara Altimus, Michael Berk, Husseini K. Manji, Eric A. Storch, Marion Leboyer, Naoko Kawaguchi, Michael Freeman, Patrick Brannelly, Facundo Manes, Sandra B. Chapman, Jeffrey Cummings, Carol Graham, Benjamin F. Miller, Zoltan Sarnyai, Retsina Meyer, and William Hynes
The Curious Hiatal Hernia Which Was Actually Streptococcus Constellatus Empyema, S. Fakhra, A. Iardino, W. Chan, J. Minor, A. Desoasido, and A. Singh
RNA-Seq Used to Identify Ipsdienone Reductase (IDONER): A Novel Monoterpene Carbon-Carbon Double Bond Reductase Central to Ips Confusus Pheromone Production, Katherine E. Fisher, Richard L. Tillett, Misha Fotoohi, Cody Caldwell, Juli Petereit, Karen Schlauch, Claus Tittiger, Gary J. Blomquist, and Marina MacLean
Submental Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia Following Cryolipolysis: A Report and Management Recommendations, Demitri V. Franzoni, Miriam Al-Hamad Daubs, Mitchell E. Lyons, Jo-Lawrence Bigcas, Harry H. Ching, and Joshua J. Goldman
Robotics for Acute Care in Colorectal Surgery, Garrett Friedman
Value-Generating Exploratory Trials in Neurodegenerative Dementias, Lauren G. Friedman, Nicholas McKeehan, Yuko Hara, Jeffrey L. Cummings, Dawn C. Matthews, Jian Zhu, Richard C. Mohs, Deli Wang, Suzanne B. Hendrix, Melanie Quintana, Lon S. Schneider, Michael Grundman, Samuel P. Dickson, Howard H. Feldman, Judith Jaeger, Elizabeth C. Finger, J. Michael Ryan, Debra Niehoff, Susan L.J. Dickinson, Jessica T. Markowitz, Meriel Owen, Alessio Travaglia, and Howard M. Fillit
Lobectomy for Acquired Lobar Emphysema Months Following Newborn Repair of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, Mary Froehlich, Lance Horner, Joseph Stathos, Craig Nakamura, and Michael G. Scheidler
The "Double Washer" Technique Is an Effective Strategy for Bicortical Fixation in Periprosthetic Fractures About a Femoral Stem: A Technical Trick and Case Series, Abraham M. Goch, Sandip Tarpada, Jeremy Loloi, Milan K. Sen, Ryhor Harbacheuski, and Apostolos Dimitroulias
Effects of Injury Pattern and Treatment on Case Length and Disposition for Hand Injuries Treated Under a Workers’ Compensation Claim, Aaron Gray and Colby Young
Trends in Prevalence and Outcomes of Cannabis Use Among Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Hospitalizations: A Nationwide Population-Based Study 2005-2014, Kulothungan Gunasekaran, Dinesh C. Voruganti, Mandeep S. Rahi, Kalaimani Elango, Sathishkumar Ramalingam, Adiba Geeti, and Jeff Kwon
AKI Treated with Renal Replacement Therapy in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19, Shruti Gupta, Steven G. Coca, Lili Chan, Michael L. Melamed, Samatha K. Brenner, Salim S. Hayek, Anne Sutherland, Sonika Puri, Anand Srivastava, Amanda Leonberg-Yoo, Alexandre M. Shehata, Jennifer E. Flythe, Arash Rashidi, Edward J. Schenck, Nitender Goyal, S. Susan Hedayati, Rajany Dy, Anip Bansal, Ambarish Athavale, H. Bryant Nguyen, Anitha Vijayan, David M. Charytan, Carl E. Schulze, Min J. Joo, Allon N. Friedman, Jingjing Zhang, Marie Anne Sosa, Eric Judd, Juan Carlos Q. Velez, Mary Mallappallil, and Roberta E. Redfern
Developing the ATX(N) Classification for Use Across the Alzheimer Disease Continuum, Harald Hampel, Jeffrey Cummings, Kaj Blennow, Peng Gao, Clifford R. Jack, and Andrea Vergallo
The Amyloid-β Pathway in Alzheimer’s Disease, Harald Hampel, John Hardy, Kaj Blennow, Christopher Chen, George Perry, Seung Hyun Kim, Victor L. Villemagne, Paul Aisen, Michele Vendruscolo, Takeshi Iwatsubo, Colin L. Masters, Min Cho, Lars Lannfelt, Jeffrey L. Cummings, and Andrea Vergallo
State-of-the-Art Of Lumbar Puncture and Its Place in the Journey of Patients With Alzheimer's Disease, Harald Hampel, Leslie M. Shaw, Paul Aisen, Christopher Chen, Alberto Lleó, Takeshi Iwatsubo, Atsushi Iwata, Masahito Yamada, Takeshi Ikeuchi, Jianping Jia, Huali Wang, Charlotte E. Teunissen, Elaine Peskind, Kaj Blennow, Jeffrey Cummings, and Andrea Vergallo
Sleep Time and Duration Is Associated With Periodontitis in a Representative Sample of Koreans, Dong Hun Han, Mi sun Kim, Seohee Kim, Ji Won Yoo, and Jay J. Shen