Advisory Board | Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal | Office of Undergraduate Research: Student Research Collection | University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal

Advisory Board

Eda Anlamlier, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, UNLV Marketing and International Business

Seyhmus Baloglu, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, UNLV Hospitality Management

Emma Bloomfield, Ph.D., Associate Professor, UNLV Communications Studies

Valarie Burke, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of Graduate Student Services, UNLV Graduate College

Janet Dufek, Ph.D., FACSM, UNLV Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Professor

Jorge Fonseca Cacho, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Faculty-in-Residence, UNLV Computer Science

Andrew Hanson, Ph.D., Dean, UNLV Honors College

Sarah Harris, Ph.D., Professor, UNLV Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dustin Hines, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, UNLV Psychology

Phillip Honenberger, Ph.D., Part-time Instructor, UNLV Philosophy

Kyle Kaalberg, Ph.D., Executive Director, UNLV Strategy and Strategic Initiatives

Gwen C. Marchand, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Research and Sponsored Projects and Associate Professor, UNLV College of Education

Cian McMahon, Ph.D., Associate Professor, UNLV History and Honors College

Kathryn Rafferty, Ph.D., Associate Professor-in-Residence, UNLV School of Life Sciences

Kurt Regner, Ph.D., Professor-in-Residence, UNLV School of Life Sciences

Eduardo Robleto, Ph.D., Professor, UNLV School of Life Sciences

Rian Satterwhite, M.Ed., M.A., UNLV Director for Service Learning and Leadership

Dean Smith, Ph.D., Assistant Research Professor, UNLV Nevada Extreme Conditions Laboratory

Michelle Tusan, Ph.D., Professor, UNLV History

Andrea Wirth, M.S., UNLV Interim Head of Scholarly Communication Initiatives/Scholarly Communication Librarian

Shaoan Zhang, Ph.D., Professor, UNLV Teaching and Learning

Erin Zimmerman, Ph.D., Director, UNLV Writing Center