"Business Plan for 1st Street Diner and Nightclub" by Brian D. Deets

Award Date

Summer 2011

Degree Type

Professional Paper

Degree Name

Master of Hospitality Administration


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Clark Kincaid, Chair

Number of Pages



A business plan was created for a diner and nightclub located in downtown Des Moines, Iowa, and the concept was found to be unique to the Des Moines area. The downtown community is home to sixty-six American-cuisine eateries, is under continued development, and looking to house more restaurant and entertainment establishments. Des Moines has a five-county metropolitan area with a population of 562,000 and Des Moines alone is home to 200,000 people. The downtown community is growing, and with the projected employment outlook to rise 11%, downtown’s 77,000 employees will also increase. These findings suggest that there is a market in downtown Des Moines for a restaurant and live music establishment. With proper business planning, restaurant development, web design, and a strong knowledge and understanding of hospitality law, a restaurateur can succeed in the downtown Des Moines area.


Business planning; Diners (Restaurants); Iowa – Des Moines; Nightclubs; Restaurant management


Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations | Food and Beverage Management

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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