"Sex and Stereotyping in Sin City: A Content Analysis of Las Vegas Maga" by Michelle Irene Aikin

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Journalism and Media Studies

First Committee Member

Daniel Stout

Second Committee Member

Julian Kilker

Third Committee Member

Stephen Bates

Fourth Committee Member

Lynn Comella

Number of Pages



There have been numerous studies regarding gender stereotyping, the objectification of women, and how sex is used to sell products and services. In a city that is notorious for "what happens here, stays here," it is important to be aware of Las Vegas cultural marketing trends and how they compare with society-wide values. Using sex excessively in advertisements may have a negative impact on the Las Vegas community and the shaping of a negative image of the city. How much sex appeal is used and the levels of sexuality in Las Vegas print advertisements has not yet been researched. A content analysis of Las Vegas magazine advertisements will be used to determine how advertisers have recently used gender stereotyped ads and sexual imagery to sell Sin City. The findings of this study will determine whether or not Las Vegas advertisers follow national marketing trends. Examining Las Vegas advertisements will provide a better understanding of the possible effects it may cause on the local and national level as well as how Sin City's business culture challenges societal norms.


Advertisements; Nevada – Las Vegas; Sex in advertising; Stereotypes; Stereotypes (Social psychology) in advertising


Advertising and Promotion Management | Journalism Studies

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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