The Breath we walk on
"The Breath We Walk On" is a collection of poems written during my time at UNLV, instructed by the poetic works of George Oppen, DH Lawrence, William Blake, Alice Notley, Walt Whitman, Allen Ginsberg and John Donne, as well as, The Greek Anthology, The Bible , and The Gnostic Gospels . The major ideas forming this collection detail issues of self in relation to the world. The poems that were most instructive from these books explore this idea in the best of their works. Other questions addressed are how can human beings live in a way that inflicts minimal harm to the planet? How can human beings envision a world that allows them to live in the most honest way on this planet? The poems that have inspired me and that I have written tend toward political and religious discussions dedicated to seeking ways to be truthful in relation to the world.