Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Committee Member

Sahjendra N. Singh

Second Committee Member

Henry Selvaraj

Third Committee Member

Venkatesan Muthukumar

Fourth Committee Member

Woosoon Yim

Number of Pages



Clusters of inferior olive neurons (IONs) in the olive-cerebellar system play an important role in providing synchronized motor control signals for the activation of large number of muscles. However, the dynamics of IONs are highly nonlinear and the system parameters are assumed to be unknowm. The IONs evolving from arbitrary initial conditions are not synchronized. However the application of IONs for control of BAUV's requires that IONs oscillate in unison. The objective is to design control laws such that the controlled ION tracks the trajectories of the reference ION. The two control laws are derived based on tuning functions adaptive method for local and global synchronization. Furthermore, based on L1 adaptive control theory for local and global synchronization is designed. They are completed in two steps of a back stepping design process. Using Lyapunov analysis, it is shown that in the closed-loop system, the controlled ION asymptotically tracks the trajectories of the reference ION. Phase control for the synchronization of IONs based on tuning functions and L1 adaptive control method has been studied. Simulation results are presented to evaluate the performance of each control system designed.


Adaptive; Adaptive control systems; Biorobotic autonomous underwater vehicle; Olivary nucleus; L1; Motor ability; Neurons; Olive; Submersibles; Synchronization; Synchrony; Tuning


Controls and Control Theory | Electrical and Computer Engineering

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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