"Work and Home-Life Balance: A Comparative Study of Hotel Employee Sati" by Amanda Connick

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Hotel Administration


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Alison Green

Second Committee Member

William Werner

Third Committee Member

Anthony Gatling

Fourth Committee Member

Vicki Rosser

Number of Pages



This study was conducted in the Western and Midwestern United States at mid-scale hotels with no food and beverage services regarding hotel employee satisfaction of work and home-life balance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing employee perceptions of work and home-life balance, and to determine whether the regional locations of the work influence those perceptions.

The data was collected using an online survey from several hotels in the Western U.S. and Midwestern U.S. A total of 120 surveys were completed, 78 were usable. There were 45 respondents from the Midwest and 33 respondents from the West. The data shows that there is no significant difference between regions in regards to satisfaction of work and home-life balance.

There were factors that showed similarities between regions and work and home-life satisfaction. These factors include: time management skills, missing home responsibilities because of work, a supportive work environment, and commute. Both regions viewed these factors similarly and each factor was cross examined with work and home-life balance to establish a correspondence.

The overall findings of the study will help both hotel employers and hotel employees find a balance between work and home-life satisfaction.


Employees—Attitudes; Employees--Time management; Hospitality industry—Employees; Work-life balance


Business | Education | Hospitality Administration and Management | Other Education

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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