"Evaluation of Video Prompting To Teach Students with Intellectual Disa" by Allenda Tharel Zionch

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational & Clinical Studies

First Committee Member

Amanda K. Higgins

Second Committee Member

Joshua Baker

Third Committee Member

Thomas Pierce

Fourth Committee Member

Richard Tandy

Number of Pages



For students with ID communication cannot be taken for granted. Not only is it vital that students with ID be able to express their wants and needs on a daily basis, but communication is paramount in order to express ideas and consider options for their future as well as to build and maintain friendships. These are important elements for a successful transition from school to adulthood.

Ninety-five percent of adults without disabilities between the ages of 18-34 own cell phones compared to twenty-eight percent of adults with ID. This disparity is due in part to lack of access, training and support. As it is predicted that the cell phone-only lifestyle is a trend that will continue over time, students with ID need to be taught specific communication skills. This includes the digital skills necessary to use a cell phone.

Video prompting instruction has been used to teach students with ID a variety of skills. This method offers the ability to focus on specific tasks, materials, and settings. While affording a student the opportunity for repeated practice video prompts can also be viewed on computers, laptops, tablets, and phones.


Cell phones; Communication; Functional skills; Instructional films; Intellectual disabilities; Life skills – Study and teaching – Audio-visual aids; People with mental disabilities; Transition; Video prompting


Instructional Media Design | Special Education and Teaching

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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