"Corrugated Ware Function and Use as Identity Markers at the Harris Sit" by Danielle Romero

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Committee Member

Barbara Roth

Second Committee Member

Karen Harry

Third Committee Member

Alan Simmons

Fourth Committee Member

Liam Frink

Fifth Committee Member

Andrew Bell

Number of Pages



This thesis examines the function of corrugated vessels and addresses pithouse and group identity through the differences in technological and design style at the Harris site (LA 1867), a Late Pithouse period (550-1000 CE) Mimbres Mogollon pithouse village. Corrugated wares have long been defined as utilitarian cooking vessels. The goal of this research is to shed more light on corrugated wares as a ceramic type that served a variety of functions outside of cooking, including a presence in ritual spheres. This research also explores the use of technological and design styles of corrugated wares to discuss individual and group identity.

Archaeological excavations point to the presence of corporate groups at the Harris site. Comparing and contrasting technological and design styles across households can add further evidence as to how households were integrating. Technological style represents the notion of how a ceramic vessel was made and this style is often taught within learning frameworks that may correspond to the proposed corporate groups. Design style describes the details of decoration added to the external surface of the vessel and can express a range of notions including clan membership, authorship, and ownership. Therefore, analyzing corrugated ware technological and design style from the Harris site can add information towards how people interacted during the Late Pithouse period.


Ceramics; Corrugated; Harris; Identity; Indian pottery; Mimbres; Mimbres culture; Mogollon culture; New Mexico; Southwest; New; Southwest; New – Antiquities


Archaeological Anthropology | Indigenous Studies

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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