"Patient Service Quality and Health Maintenance Organizations: Not an O" by Jessica Mcbeath

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Health Administration (MHA)


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Stowe Shoemaker

Second Committee Member

Bo Bernhard

Third Committee Member

Rhonda Montgomery

Fourth Committee Member

Olena Mazurenko

Number of Pages



Today’s quality movement in health care has driven the importance of patient satisfaction and experience across the industry. While the subject is of huge interest to researchers and health care companies, many struggle to identify a unified list of attributes that are applicable globally. Due to the industry’s uniqueness, it becomes necessary to understand the population and specific attributes for each. In review of previous service quality research, this study presents many dimensions and attributes for application. Using existing service quality framework 5Qs, this study provides unique findings correlated to existing literature and presents actionable items.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide a review of existing service quality and patient satisfaction literature in an attempt to identify common themes and trends that can affect patient satisfaction. For this study, we researched Senior Dimensions, a Medicare Advantage HMO plan in Southern Nevada. The research was to identify patient perceptions of their quality of health care and health plan.

Implications/Contribution: The findings conclude that there are several similarities between established service quality frameworks and patient satisfaction. Therefore, it is important to identify those specifically within your population. The study contributes to the service quality and patient satisfaction bodies of literature. It also provides additional value for existing theoretical models and their implementation in the health care industry.


Health maintenance organizations; Managed care; Managed care plans (Medical care); Patient satisfaction; STAR Rating


Health and Medical Administration | Marketing

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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