"The Economic Impact of the MPAA Rating System on Types of Films Made F" by Kaitlin Peck

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Journalism and Media Studies

First Committee Member

Paul Traudt

Second Committee Member

Stephen Bates

Third Committee Member

Gary Larson

Fourth Committee Member

Cian McMahon

Number of Pages



This thesis will examine the economic impact of the MPAA film rating system on the types of films made from 2004 to 2014. The research in this study will examine the violent and sexual content of films. For this research the Motion Picture Association of America rating system is the independent variable, and its financial or economic impact on films made in the last ten years is the dependent variable. An extensive review of previous literature will also help inform the direction of the current study. However, this topic is still relevant because the previous research has appeared to be inconclusive. Furthermore, the film industry and the rating system have both changed significantly in the last decade so that fresh research is needed on this topic. Based on previous studies however, the types of films that have done better at the box-office appear to be those with more violent and sexual content.

The thesis will examine the MPAA rating system to determine the economic impact of the MPAA film rating system on the types of films made from 2004 to 2014. Chapter two comprises a literature review of the previous research based on studies related to the topic. For this topic, the studies included in the literature review will enable this study to sharpen the connection between MPAA rating system and its economic impact on films made in the last ten years. Chapter three will focus on describing the methodology that will be used for this study in order to conduct current research using MPAA-rated films made in the last ten years. Chapter four will focus on the findings of this study, which determined that the outcome of the results was different than what was expected. Although evidence shows that violence prevails at the box-office, none of the hypotheses were fully supported. The final chapter will conclude with a summary.


Economic; Films; MPAA; Rating System


Broadcast and Video Studies | Economics | Film and Media Studies | Journalism Studies

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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