"From Belief to Action: Omani EFL Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Relation t" by Abdullah Khamis Al-Shukri

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Teaching and Learning

First Committee Member

Shaoan Zhang

Second Committee Member

Steven G. McCafferty

Third Committee Member

Jane McCarthy

Fourth Committee Member

E. Michael Nussbaum

Number of Pages



Research has documented that teacher self-efficacy has positive impacts on different aspects of teaching and learning. Yet, research on teacher self-efficacy in the field of teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is relatively limited. Considering the powerful impacts of teacher self-efficacy on teaching and learning, it is crucial to pursue this line of research into the field of teacher education. Examining EFL teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs in teaching English seems to be particularly useful in the Omani teaching context, where English is increasingly used in schools. The present study examined Omani EFL teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, its sources and factors, and the relationship between EFL self-efficacy beliefs and teachers’ practices. Through using an explanatory mixed methods design, the study explored the perceived levels of Omani EFL teachers’ self-efficacy for (a) engaging students, (b) classroom management, and (c) instructional strategies. In addition, the study investigated the ability of the variables, years of teaching and training courses to predict Omani EFL teachers’ self-efficacy. The study also investigated the sources that composed Omani EFL teachers’ self-efficacy and the factors that influenced these self-efficacy beliefs. Finally, the relationship between Omani EFL teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and their ability to effectively teach English as a foreign language was examined in this study.

The study revealed several major results. First, the participants perceived their capabilities for instructional strategies as higher than their capabilities for classroom management and students’ engagement, respectively. Second, both years of teaching and number of training courses were not significant predictors of teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs.

Third, the sources of information for Omani EFL teachers’ self-efficacy included: enactive mastery experiences (including teacher’s English knowledge, students’ achievement, professional development, and years of experience), vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, intrinsic motivation, and teacher dispositions. Fourth, Omani EFL teachers’ self-efficacy were influenced by contextual factors (including school environment, work load, educational facilities and materials, society and culture, school curriculum, teacher’s relationships, number of students and school system), extrinsic motivation, and demographic factors. Fifth, the study has confirmed that there is a relationship between EFL teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and their teaching practices in the classroom. In general, teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs tended to be consistent with their capabilities of teaching English as a foreign language.

This study adds to the literature that claims the importance of EFL teacher self-efficacy in teaching and learning. It also expands the theoretical foundation of the sources of the information for EFL teacher self-efficacy and the factors influence it. Additionally, the study suggests some practical implications for teacher development, teacher education programs, in-service teacher training, and research in EFL teacher self-efficacy.


Beliefs; EFL Teachers; Practices; Self-Efficacy


Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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