Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Hospitality Management
First Committee Member
Jean Hertzman
Second Committee Member
Gail Sammons
Third Committee Member
Seyhmus Baloglu
Fourth Committee Member
Alice Corkill
Number of Pages
Online education has increased in popularity throughout higher education in recent decades, with learning management systems (LMSs) now being used by the majority of higher education institutions throughout the United States (Allen, Seaman, Poulin, & Straut, 2016). The Community of Inquiry (CoI) theoretical framework is composed of interrelated cognitive, teaching, and social presences, which make up a deeper learning experience (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2010). This study sought to further the theoretical and practical application of the CoI by evaluating learner satisfaction with LMS-enabled courses in vocational areas of study and additional course delivery formats (online, hybrid, and web-enhanced). Results from the study showed that in the hospitality management field of higher education, teaching presence and social presence were positively associated with student satisfaction with LMS tools and features. However, the research did not yield significant results when examining whether course delivery format affected CoI or student satisfaction with courses that use LMS tools and features.
Blackboard; Community of Inquiry; Hospitality students; Learner Satisfaction; Learning Management Systems; Vocational Education
Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Instructional Media Design
File Format
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Repository Citation
Swift, Alice, "The Effect of Blackboard Tools on the Community of Inquiry and Learner Satisfaction with Learning Management System-Enabled Courses" (2016). UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones. 2905.
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