Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Public Policy and Leadership
First Committee Member
Howard Gordon
Second Committee Member
Chris Stream
Third Committee Member
Gard Jameson
Fourth Committee Member
Daniel McAllister
Number of Pages
Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) rely heavily on volunteers to carry out their mission, making volunteer labor fundamental to an organization’s business operations and outcomes. A review of the literature revealed a significant gap in managing volunteers effectively in a nonprofit, faith- based setting. The standard business management practices typically employed when managing volunteers lack effectiveness in nonprofit FBO environments. Employing for-profit management practices to managing volunteer labor in nonprofit settings is especially challenging given the uniqueness of nonprofit organizations that rely on volunteer over paid labor. Challenges include the organization’s values, mission, identity, social goals, outcomes, and ideological characteristics. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the volunteer management practices of FBOs in multicultural as well as homogenous FBOs from the perspectives of FBO volunteer managers. Managers could be characterized as informal and nontraditional.
Faith-based organization; Multicultural faith-based organization; Non-profit management; Volunteer management; Volunteer management practices; Volunteer management theory
Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Public Administration | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration | Work, Economy and Organizations
File Format
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Repository Citation
Coleman, Cheryl Regina, "Volunteer Management in Faith-Based Organizations" (2017). UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones. 2960.
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Business Administration, Management, and Operations Commons, Public Administration Commons, Work, Economy and Organizations Commons