"Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Evaluation for Volunteers in Medic" by Chris Buchanan, David Corral et al.

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Public Policy and Leadership

First Committee Member

Jaewon Lim

Number of Pages



Student evaluation team, Efficient Evaluators (E2), conducted an evaluation of Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada (VMSN) from early 2018 until July 2018. This report serves as a guideline that provides thorough analytical results from literature review, benchmark studies, staff interviews and field observation and list of recommendations for VMSN to voluntarily adopt to improve volunteer recruitment and retention efforts.

The primary purpose of E2 is to provide Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada with both short and longer term recommendations, that if utilized could improve their current volunteer recruitment and retention efforts, benefitting the agency and community as a whole. E2’s methodology employed the qualitative research approach. Qualitative information was found in literature reviews, benchmark comparisons, coupled with staff interviews and field observations.

The major findings in this report are as follows: the importance of recognizing volunteer efforts for all volunteers; volunteer training and task assignment are critical components to volunteer retention; high usage of marketing and social media; efficient procedures for responding to prospective volunteers; and strong collaboration with local medical and hospital organizations.

This evaluation report finds that while Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada’s volunteer recruitment and retention efforts are adequate, utilization of the recommendations in this report can further improve recruitment and retention of volunteers.

The results of our evaluation indicated that the ability to improve and increase VMSN’s recruitment and retention of licensed medical volunteer staff can be accomplished with the implementation of the following adjustments:

Short Term Recommendations:

• Organizational Improvements (recognition & intake procedures)

• Increased marketing/media exposure '

Long Term Recommendations:

• Maintain and Develop New Volunteer Partnerships

• Increased engagement with the Community

The use of literature reviews, benchmark studies and field observation allowed E2 to adequately evaluate VMSN compared to other clinics to create recommendations that would improve VMSN’s own volunteering efforts.

We believe these recommendations would assist VMSN in the recruitment and retention, specifically of licensed medical professionals. VMSN has the final say in any implementation of our suggestions and may chose not to implement any aforementioned recommendation. E2 believes these recommendations could be implemented at VMSN efficiently even with limited internal resources.


Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration

File Format


File Size

853 Kb

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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