Award Date

May 2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

First Committee Member

Wolfgang . Bein

Second Committee Member

Laxmi . Gewali

Third Committee Member

Lawrence . Larmore

Fourth Committee Member

Zhiyong . Wang

Number of Pages



There is an increasing demand for a phenomenon that can manifest benefits gained from grouping similar jobs together and then scheduling these groups efficiently. Batching is the decision of whether or not to put the jobs into same group based on certain criteria. Batching plays a major role in job scheduling in Information Technology, traffic controlling systems, and goods-flow management. A list batching problem refers to batching a list of jobs in the same order or priority as given in the problem.

In this thesis we consider a one-machine list batching problem under weighted average completion. Given sequence of jobs are scheduled on single machine into distinct batches. Constraint is to batch these jobs into a fixed but arbitrary number ‘k’ of batches. Each batch can have any number of jobs (within the given list) grouped without changing the order of jobs. We call it a k-Batch problem. This is offline form of the batching problems, and is solved by reducing to a shortest path problem. We give an improved and faster version of the algorithm to solve k-Batch problem in O(n2) time.


Computer Sciences

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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